Saturday, October 24, 2009

Always Ask for Updates; Never Apologize:Scrutinize and Demand Answers

Victim: Steve Kemp, teacher; Bullied by all school board members, Ms. Elia, and Attorney Gonzalez.

Bullying Bureaucracy:

Please do me the courtesy of letting me know what the status of my
bullying case against the above three school bullies is. The new bullying law covers all three, and they are liable to it.

Your reporting section is
misleading. It cites all the schools only. Any student or person working for the schools is liable to the bullying statute. Please revise this reporting section so that its language is coincident with the law's language.

Drury De Cesare, concerned citizen

Victim Information / Informacíon sobre la víctima

Escuela/Lugar de trabajo

Nombre(s) de la(s) victima(s)

Reporting Information / Datos de la persona que realiza el informe

Person Reporting

(Optional/ Opcional)

Relationship to victim
Relación con la víctima




Incident Information / Detalles del incidente

Accused Bully Name(s) OR a description of bully (if name is unknown)
Nombre del acosador que fue acusado o su
descripción (si su nombre se desconoce)

Location of incident
Lugar del incidente

Date and time of incident
Fecha y hora del incidente

Today is: Saturday, October 24, 2009 | See calendar

Describe what happened in as much detail as possible.
Describa lo que ocurrió en tantos detalles como sea posible.

Fecha y hora del incidente
Today is: Saturday, October 24, 2009 | See calendar

Describe what happened in as much detail as possible.
Describa lo que ocurrió en tantos detalles como sea posible. Steve Kemp, teacher, by school board members, ms. Elia, and Attorney Gonzalez.

Please do me the courtesy of letting me know what the status of my bullyin case against those three school bullies is. The new bullying law covers all three, and they are liable to it.

Your reporting section is misleadeing. It cites all the schools only. Any student or person working for the schools is liable to the bullying statute. Please revise this reporting section so that its language is coincident with the law's language. Lee Druru De Cesaresecurity code

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Por favor introduzca el código que se muestra arriba para que nos ayude a eliminar el spam:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These people will not answer you, because they feel they are above the law. They will never feel that the law applies to them.