Wednesday, October 07, 2009

News, News, News

See new comment at the end. lee

Tampa FBI Enclave Gathers to Ponder Corruption Charges Against the Hillsborough County School Board; J. Edgar Hoover's Ghost Hovers Over the Group in the Upper-right Ionosphere. He's Wearing a Red Moo-Moo.

I can't copy and paste from my Microsoft Outlook Congressman's email until my number comes from the publisher to authenticate it.
So I can't put on my blog the message from Congressman Bill Young saying that he had sent my corruption complaint to the Tampa FBI.

I hope he sent the copy of my email to FBI Director Mueller too, the one saying I wanted Jacksonville or Miami FBI to investigate the charge because the FBI in Tampa was too cozy with the Bay Area power people.

That'll get the Tampa agents defensive. Defensive is good. Defensive agents will give my complaint more attention if they find out I have sent a copy to my congressman and to their director.

Let's set on our FBI eggs and see what hatches out. lee

Reader log-in:

This is wonderful! Maybe you will finally get these crooks! I bet if the FBI really does investigate Hillsborough's schools a lot of people would go to jail, but I bet it is like you say. The local FBI is probably friends with the power people in Hillsborough. Let's hope not. Maybe some of the board members will end up in jail as they should. The fact that they misuse taxpayer dollars to hire friends and family is horrible. That is stealing from children. Are they ashamed? No. They sit on that dais and think they are important when they are nothing but common criminals who belong in jail for ripping off the area's children.

4:08 AM

We mustn't jubilate. My years of experience in working for civil and women's rights attest that moving the government's dormant ability to solve such problems takes patience and persistence.

Follow-up is important. Nudging the bureaucracy along ranks pivotal. I must think of ways to do that chore. Suggestions are welcome. A zillion heads are better than one.

Anything from practical to bizarre gets my attention. Usually nagging is the tried-and-true mode to get the train started. I excel in that. After 53 years of marriage, I merit a Nobel in nagging.

Four women so far have won a Nobel this year: that unprecedented number gives girls growing up today role models to compete with venerable and stinky status of being dingdongs and sex objects. I think of my granddaughters always, always my granddaughters.

Bottom line: let's put this FBI project on our watch list. I shall keep pondering ways to push it along. Pitch in and write me your ideas or enact them yourselves.

Once you get started in this work, you see projects everywhere. Evil is a growth industry.

Meanwhile, I rev up to file with the Florida child-abuse agency for endemic child mistreatment that Steve Kemp's cooked-up case reveals in the Special Ed leadership and board's and superintendent's collusion in this abuse.

The new head of CTA has signed on to my blog readers' list. His name is I forget. His role I don't. He has a lot of flossy degrees, including having graduated summa cum laude. Who hasn't? I did. And I did it with four little children under six hanging on to my skirts in libraries and lecture halls for the usual four years in the challenging academic purlieus of NYC.

I bet Mr. CTA didn't attend a demanding university or college or have children clinging to his pants legs while he got his multiple degrees. Women have to be twice as good as men to achieve anything. So I say to the new CTA administrator, bring it on.

The CTA has lain in bed so long with the administration and board that it has decubitus ulcers on its cowardly hiney. Let's watch this new CTA head dandy to see if he possesses the right stuff to do his job of helping teachers or whether he folds and sucks up to the administration.

Don't be afraid to comment on your findings and conclusions in this new-leadership CTA matter. Mr. CTA Head Guy must prove to us who stand vigilant caretakers of the rights of downtrodden teachers that he possesses the right mind set to deserve this position.

Teachers need somebody in CTA leadership who stands on teachers' side for a change--not another sycophantic ass kisser and power suck-up of the board and administration like the previous head of CTA. lee


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! Maybe you will finally get these crooks! I bet if the FBI really does investigate Hillsborough's schools a lot of people would go to jail, but I bet it is like you say. The local FBI is probably friends with the power people in Hillsborough. Let's hope not. Maybe some of the board members will end up in jail as they should. The fact that they misuse taxpayer dollars to hire friends and family is horrible. That is stealing from children. Are they ashamed? No. They sit on that dais and think they are important when they are nothing but common criminals who belong in jail for ripping off the area's children.

Anonymous said...

Lee DeCesare, I'd rather mess with an Army Ranger than with you. Local Tampa govt. types are arrogant; thinking they can spend taxpayers' monies for their personal use. Prime example is Kevin White. Hillsborough taxpayers have to pay 500K for White's sexual harassment. School administrators in this area are corrupt beyond belief. They poo poo'd you. Well, hopefully FBI will do some forensic accounting. If so, FBI will find something.

Anonymous said...

Too bad a horde of teachers don't rush into the board room with picket signs asking the board members to step down. They have all done a lousy job. Problem is that if they step down other criminals will step right up to replace them. These are little people with little minds who want a little power, so they can lord it over hardworking teachers. I think Jack Lamb and Doretha Edgecomb are the only ones who ever taught. At least they know a little about the plight of teachers. The others probably just got involved to be able to bully the district into making exceptions for their own children.

Anonymous said...

The long time school board members Kurdell, Lamb, and Olson probably know a lot of illegal stuff that has gone on. The FBI needs to get each one alone in a room and interrogate them.

John__D said...

>Meanwhile, I rev up to file with the Florida child-abuse agency for endemic child mistreatment that Steve Kemp's cooked-up case reveals in the Special Ed leadership and board's and superintendent's collusion in this abuse.<

Steve Kemp says no abuse happened.

Anonymous said...

Lee, when they sign up they're trying to intimidate you (of course) cause they're SOMEONE. LMAO. As in: Laughing my ASS OFF. Being 'someone' in Hillsborough County is being 'no one' in the real world. Perhaps all of Florida can claim that distinction with small pockets and families of intellect and distinction ...
BUT, that just fuels my fire. When they're trying to intimidate you then you KNOW that you are on the right path. Of course. They're all patting themselves on the back because they have Tampa and Florida STOMPED DOWN and then the only people you can complain to are THEM (as in their family) so if one complains they pretend to help but can hardly close the door fast enough for you to miss seeing them laughing in your face.

SEND THE REAL FBI TO FLORIDA AND TAMPA. NOT THE FDLE who for the most part is a rubber stamp for all the police chiefs, sheriffs and other DO NO GOODERS in Florida.

Vox Populi said...

No. Steve Kemp says HE committed NO ABUSE.

Anonymous said...

This person is right. Everyone is in bed with everyone here in Hillsborough. Kurdell and Olson are the longest standing board members and probably know all the illegal crap that is going on and do nothing about it. That is taking part in it. Olson's husband probably left her because she turned him gay and also he probably realized she was covering up so much criminal mischief in the school district that it could ruin him career-wise, if anyone found out.

John__D said...

Vox, you are in error.

You people forget what's been written.

Vox Populi said...

oh john_d(uncecap) perhaps because we HAVE LIVES.
Unlike your small self.

That's STEVE's blog, not lee's. Which I did fail to follow your link.
See above sentence. I have a life.

But I CAN READ so I know this is not that blog.
Feel free to ask Steve to explain himself. HE committed NO ABUSE. However, the situation IN AND OF ITSELF before steve or any HUMAN happened on the scene TO BE FRAMED is abusive which any thinking person (again NOT YOURSELF) would like intuit. like yknow???

John (disfordufus) GET A LIFE buttwipe.
you never win.
you're a weeble ... they're cute and vaguely amusing but after a couple times, only the densest persons cares that they wobble but don't fall down.
move along, little man. We've a world to correct. Go play for your own team whatever that is.

Lee, I take the option of ignoring this idjit from now on.

John__D said...


Then ignore this, you name-calling psycho.

Lee writes on this, her blog, that abuse occurred. I reserve the right to comment on it. If I quote Steve's blog, that's my prerogative. Or are you suppressing my free speech right?

You write "No. Steve Kemp says HE committed NO ABUSE". That is also on Steve Kemp's blog, but this is Lee's blog. So I can't refer to Steve's blog, but YOU can? Steve has put a link on this blog to his petition on his blog; I take it that that is okay with you. You're a hypocrite, and the whole world can see it.

I win all the time; I get my message out there, and losers like you run and hide because you don't have the ability to refute what I write, resorting instead to name-calling.

And you write like a two-year-old!

Anonymous said...

I like the anonymous posting where the person says "someone" in Tampa is a "nobody." This is right. These Tampa people who hold positions of power are a bunch of nobodies who think they are somebody. They wouldn't make it in any real city like New York or San Francisco. They would be viewed as dumb country bumpkins!

Anonymous said...

omg johndumbass, if i weren't ignoring you i would say,
'in whose world do you win?' I'd even use the proper quotation marks. LOL !!! I'm not calling you names, per se. I'm just labeling you kinda akin to you drawing down and quibbling words and links ... and tyring to revise what was said by using words out of context. AND/OR replaying tedious bullshit rather than admit that you are carrying fruit from a poisonous tree because YOU made the initial misake. By attributing quotes TO LEE which were made BY STEVE.

Try to unravel your grey matter you f'ing idiot.

psycho name-calling WINNER.