Friday, April 17, 2009

Don't Be Naive When Indians Surround You with Their Tomahawks Poised for Action

The above is a letter that Doug Erwin wrote to Carol Bricklemeyer, now retired then the school-board chair. Notice the date. This was in the first couple of years when he was still trying to get the board and administration to fight the crime going on in the administration. The trouble is what he found out later that they both wanted to protect the crime, not stamp it out. Somebody was getting payoffs in the upper administration or board or both.

Mr. Erwin's naivete and trust in the system made him think Mr. Bricklemeyer was honest. She was as honest as a pickpocket. She took him to Tom Gonzalez, they drained him of information, and then threw him back to the wolves.

Beware of board members bearing false faces of honesty when they are knee deep in the skulduggery that is killing you. lee

I can't get this frame to go away, so just ignore it. lee
Goader: I read some of the comments in your blog this morning.

The Poverty Law Center has a case against the HC schools for the handling of special-ed children. Go to the Poverty Center online, and you can find the case.

That is a powerful organization. I send it money when I can. I haven't bought a single dress or pair of shoes in months to send this outfit money. The people they defend are the ones the fancy lawyers won't touch because there is no money in it.

I advise your writing the Poverty Law Center and asking if your case can join the current suit against the school system. The picture of the junk-filled room that the administration thought was good enough for these severely retarded children is a killer piece of evidence for the mistreatment of those poor children. Your not being given any instruction when the administration representatives threw you into the classroom, not caring if you knew how to care for the children, would add weight to the case for the HC school system's mistreating special-needs children.

Don't be surprised when you win your child-abuse, cooked-up case and exit suspension for the classroom. I can then call on you to help me do what we can for the next teacher victim.

A teacher got in touch with me recently whom the administration has treated abysmally. She doesn't want me to reveal details of her case. But I believe she will get past that attitude when she senses how unethical and cruel the board and administration are. Then we can start to shout her case from the rooftops.

The only thing these administration ghouls are afraid of is exposure.
They want to do their dirty deeds out of the sunshine. Our job is to make sure they appear in blogs to expose what they are doing to dishonor education.

So polish up your rhetorical skills, Goader. You have a rendezvous with the board-room mike.

PS You say I can see the big picture. The reason I can see the big picture even though I often miss the details is that I am old. You will be surprised how much smarter you get the older you get. And there is another advantage to being old. If you have a mop of white hair as I do, cultural protections of the elderly kick into younger people's psych: those under 30 particularly. So you as an old person can get away with more daring behavior because of your "I am an old and helpless lady" body protector.

In a pinch, you can always call the Elder Abuse Council if someone annoys you and gets you in a dither.


Anonymous said...

Bricklemyer was/is a Republican. That explains it all about how she wouldn't help one of the workers and maybe helped herself to a kickback. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites. They go on and on about how religious and upstanding they are but are usually the worst when it comes to ethics or values ironically. Appearances are always deceiving.

Anonymous said...

Another broad brush stroke. You torpedo your logic with such drivel.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Anon 2.

If you were to write that teachers are "almost always hypocrites" because they go on and on about correct punctuation and sentence structure, but are usually the worst when it comes to even spelling properly when writing publicly, I'm sure that someone would pull you up on it.

Vox Populi said...

this is just how the public defenders work against some in downtown tampa. Sure enough. They're the kids of the LONGEST TERM tampa citizens and are as crooked as roads through the ga mountains. They will take a person and ask them what their defense is and then tell the prosecution and then .. HEY did they all go to the tom gonzalez school of lawyer-ing/??
And, the few decent people who serve the public are at their mercy, TOO.
They will ruin their reputations.
That's how it works in STAMPA.