Postcards from the Edge from School Stalwarts to Fairy Godmother Granny Lee and Prospective Jail Bird for Free Speech
If the board allows the hulking security fellow David Friedberg to collude with La Dame Belle Sans Merci Falliero to falsely accuse me of violating board rules to deprive me of free speech and shut me up by having the security Jolly Green Giant security palace behemoth to bark at me, threaten me with jail, and drive me off school property, we must be hitting a nerve; we must be doing something right. I glimpsed
a victory for my caterwauling meeting after meeting for equal-employment opportunity instead of Elia's hiring buddies and sycophants for $100,000-plus administrative posts.
For a new top administrative job, one Dr. Pansy (I missed her last name, but she's black, pretty, and has a doctorate.) got hired. When I congratulated Dr. Pansy, she said there had been 35 applicants.
That in-pouring of competitors for administration jobs when they are advertised means there is a chance for taxpayers to at last get smarter, more competent administrators who won't require pricy consultants to ride to their rescue and give them flash-card seminars in how to do their duties. lee
From: Anonymous []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 5:45 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay....":
If I had hips as wide as the Hindenburg like Faliero has, I would be angry at life too and have 75 year old women manhandled and arrested. Nature has been unkind to Faliero's hips, so she is understandably bitter at life and takes it out on others.
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I don't mind her hips; I deplore her morals. Her hips she can't help. Her morals she can. lee
Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 2:44 PM
From: Anonymous []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:57 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on <!-- GoStats JavaScript Based Code -->_gos='mons....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " _gos='mons...":
Leaflet the Republican party about Faliero's adultery. Leaflet the school board associations nationwide and statewide about her adultery. If she wants war, give her war. Make her sorry she got up in the morning.
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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 7:56 PM
Great minds run in the same grooves. I had already thought of this ploy. I didn't think of the Republican Party, however. That's an inspired suggestion. lee
From: lee []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:04 PM
To: 'lee de cesare'
Subject: FW: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
From: Suzie Creamcheese []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 6:34 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
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Posted by Suzie Creamcheese to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 3:33 PM
From: Suzie Creamcheese []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:03 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
Suzie Creamcheese has left a new comment on your post " From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay....":
What a poor showing on the part of the board.
Jennifer has lost it. If she were a teacher she would be on the fast-track for remediation.
You have pushed a button.
From: lee []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:02 PM
To: 'lee de cesare'
Subject: FW: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
From: Anonymous []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 5:39 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay.....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " From: lee de cesare [mailto:tdecesar@tampabay....":
Officer Friedberg should be ashamed of himself. That is bullying behavior. No citizen or taxpayer or voter should be escorted off the property for speaking his/her mind on matters. This is shameful behavior, and I am surprised the rest of the board allowed it to happen.
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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 2:38 PM
My impression of Officer Friedberg is that his Pantagruel size and lack of complementary mental power mean he has used bullying all his life as his tactic of choice. He also is the sort of lout who will fall for a wink and a nod from a floozy. I pray he is not married, has no home to destroy by the resident board homewrecker, and has no little ones to inflict suffering on for adult irresponsibility. lee
2 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
Here are a couple of late-breaking comments that show teachers have quick minds. They are right about each point; but following the rules is not something the ROSSAC denizens are used to doing. And would Faliero follow rules? We are talking about a doxie who seduced a guy in his ROSSAC office, who paid no attention to Lennard's telling her to lay off Hart, who homewrecked his marriage and caused the divorce that he told me inflicts great injury on his two children. Then she dumped the poor love-lorn fellow on the slag heap that she shares with Bela Lugosi. La Belle Dame sans Merci follows the rule of the jungle.-
Anonymous said...
As a veteran School Board watcher I have seen much worse language directed to the Board by the gentleman who is trying to get energy efficient schools built.
On many occasions I EXPECTED Chief Freeburg and the security squad to be called. They weren't.
You were making a good point when the dogs were turned loose.
Watch the video on the web and note the time. Make sure that you actually were over 3 minutes.
There are numerous examples of the Chair encouraging speakers to continue after the red light when they are being complimentary!
The stink is becoming palatable.-
Anonymous said...
in the chair's opening statement, if a speaker violates the rules of speaking to the board, "they will be removed from the Board meeting".
the chair does not say "removed from the premises or arrested."-
Re: anon 1:46 :
This responds to my comment on my liking the energy-efficient man. The correspondent says that the board let Falliero kick me out illegally because I was hitting on the truth and that he was not.
I do think Mr. Energy-man hits on the truth and that Cathy Valdez ought to listen to him; but her training is in early childhood lore, not in business, so she can't see the connection. This situation is why I sing my refrain of advertising the top administrative jobs so that the people in them will know what they are doing. I still have got no answer on my question about whether Tom Gonzalez gave the board warning in writing of the danger of not having catastrophic insurance for the school part of which caved in. I suspect Valdez's contract didn't include the insurance, that Gonzalez didn't recommend it either verbally or in writing, and that none of the board was sharp enough to ask about it. So the builder gave a piddling amount for the damage, and the taxpayers absorbed the rest. It's the blind leading the blind at the ROSSAC building; and the taxpayers get stuck for the bill for this ubiquitous ingnorance and carelessness.
Must be the reason they didn't kick the "energy efficient" guy out was because
he wasn't hitting on the truth.
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As a veteran School Board watcher I have seen much worse language directed to the Board by the gentleman who is trying to get energy efficient schools built.
On many occasions I EXPECTED Chief Freeburg and the security squad to be called. They weren't.
You were making a good point when the dogs were turned loose.
Watch the video on the web and note the time. Make sure that you actually were over 3 minutes.
There are numerous examples of the Chair encouraging speakers to continue after the red light when they are being complimentary!
The stink is becoming palatable.
in the chair's opening statement, if a speaker violates the rules of speaking to the board, "they will be removed from the Board meeting".
the chair does not say "removed from the premises or arrested."
These people (board members and Elia) are so used to getting away with murder that they can't stand having someone like you on their case. Their attitude is, "How dare she come here and expose our wrongdoing! Of all the nerve!"
When Doug Erwin was trying to get his message out, in other words telling the truth, they stopped the TV coverage.
Re: anon 1:46 :
Must be the reason they didn't kick the "energy efficient" guy out was because he wasn't hitting on the truth.
Pansy Houghton WAS a pricey consultant working for the district since 2000-2001 !
Check The WALL. 7 Names posting.
Pansy Dubose Houghton.
Sound familiar?
Renalia Dubose! (maybe?)
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