Sunday, January 24, 2010

Under-the-radar Toecracker Psychological Evaluation

Ms Elia's Dog, Tiny

Linda, I learned that the administration had the toe-cracker guy see a psychologist for evaluation after a parent complained. I would like to see a copy of that evaluation. It should be part of his employment file and thus part of the public record. ldd


Goader said...


Cut me in on this one and I'll reimburse you whatever it costs to get it.

Anonymous said...


If they do give you the Toe-Cracker phych report, my guess is they will doctor-it-up to protect him like they did before.

If I recall correctly, Kipley & Co. somehow ammended what the DCF investigator said. Isn't that grand! They get to interpret what the investigator reported for their benefit (that was after the SDHC attorney made some incorrect statements).

Is there any way of knowing whether or not the document you get is legitimate and original?

Keep up the great work.