Monday, June 15, 2009

Goader Responds to John D

Goader has left a new comment on your post "Postcards from the Edge":


The three administrators were highly trained and well versed in the laws and rules that apply to teaching Severely/Profoundly Mentally Handicapped students.

I, on the other hand, was not and knew none of the intricacies of working with some of the most severely challenged students we have. Whereas they knew everything from day one I had to learn on the fly day by day. For example, they were well versed in restraint law, I did not know it even existed.

Is the one placed into an environment without any prior notification nor any special training more culpable than the three highly trained individuals who placed him there? Is the one placed in the environment culpable at all when he has no prior knowledge?

Then there is the matter of waiting six days before reporting the alleged felony child abuse to the authorities. Who is more culpable in that situation? Is it the three highly trained and experienced administrators who waited six days before reporting it or the untrained teacher’s aid simply doing what he is told?

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Posted by Goader to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 4:32 AM

Bart Birdsall weighs in on Goader's blog about how it feels to be targeted by the Professional Standards office for a manufactured offense.

One Response to “Shock and Ambivalence”

  1. Bart on June 15th, 2009 8:03 am

    I think this is a normal way to feel. People who have not experienced an investigation do not understand. This type of thing changes your life completely. You suddenly realize there are people in the world who are willing to ruin your life without a care in the world. They want to squash you like a bug. Philosophically, you know there are people like that in the world, but when it hits home and you literally experience it first hand it is still shocking.

    It is doubly shocking how many people in positions of power stay silent and do nothing when they see this happening. Often it only takes one single solitary person to say, “Hey, guys….this is a bit much to do to this teacher….let’s cut it out…” and the bullies would slink away. But there is no one single solitary person who speaks up on the board or in administration it seems. I don’t understand it.


Goader said...


Your characterization is right on. The notion that even one other person could call a halt to it is equally accurate. It is interesting you use the word "bullies" in your characterization. It is telling at a time when bullying has gone front and center, and those called upon to create an anti-bullying policy are the bullies in this case. It is a clear case of Bullying From the Top Down.

Vox Populi said...

Yes, indeedly do. It is.