Saturday, November 01, 2008

Questions and Answers

This is on the island of Capri, which I loved. I would like to live there. But it is very pricey: only the super-rich can afford a place there. So I have to be content with Madeira Beach.

deepcover has left a new comment on your post "Hurrah for the Suzy Creamcheese Blog: It Gives Tea...":


You know the Trib and Times pull their punches because they need any ad revenue they can get.

Piss off the district and the district will reduce the ad budget.

Didn't the district threaten you old paper?

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Posted by deepcover to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 5:28 PM

Yes, Elia threatened Patrick for my using some circumlocuation about the sleeping-around in ROSSAC that garnered jobs on the Casting- Room Couch. She said she gave Mileto and Kipley the right to sue La Gaceta for slander. I begged him to get the ACLU. That is the very kind of case it specializes in: the government picking on private industry, especially a newspaper.

Patrick is not a fighter. He's a diplomat. So I resigned and now blog. It's just as well. I am completely free in my blog, and nothing deterred me from exposing ROSSAC on-site adultery.

I talked to a First Amendment lawyer; she said only people with money---businesses--get sued for Internet comments. The litigious don't bother with us who don't have a pile of money.

Blogging is the better route for me and those like me. Patrick and I used to fight over diction all the time. I never did convince him that "sleep with the fishes" is not a sexual reference, that it refers to a murder in the criminal world when the victim's body gets thrown in the river instead of a reference to sex.

Patrick and I are good friends. I am as fond of him as if he were a son. lee


Anonymous said...

"I never did convince him that "sleep with the fishes" is not a sexual reference, that it refers to a murder in the criminal world when the victim's body gets thrown in the river instead of a reference to sex."

Chalk one up to "cultural literacy".

Anonymous said...

It is reprehensible that Elia threatened him like that, but she is a big bully. Go and ask any teacher in the district who has worked under her when she was head of magnet schools or in charge of facilities. I have never met a single teacher who likes her. I suppose we should feel sorry for people like that....bullies who step on others to rise to the top. Their values are so messed up. Elia is running after money and screwing the students and teachers in the process, so she can make her last few years of earning power really high. She cares only about building up her portfolio for her own kids' futures probably and to hell with all the kids in Hillsborough County. I wonder if her own children would want her blood money once she dies if they knew how cut throat and horrible she was to get that money and how she screwed up everyone's education in the county.

Anonymous said...

It is reprehensible that Elia threatened him like that, but she is a big bully. Go and ask any teacher in the district who has worked under her when she was head of magnet schools or in charge of facilities. I have never met a single teacher who likes her. I suppose we should feel sorry for people like that....bullies who step on others to rise to the top. Their values are so messed up. Elia is running after money and screwing the students and teachers in the process, so she can make her last few years of earning power really high. She cares only about building up her portfolio for her own kids' futures probably and to hell with all the kids in Hillsborough County. I wonder if her own children would want her blood money once she dies if they knew how cut throat and horrible she was to get that money and how she screwed up everyone's education in the county.