Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Knowledge Is Power

The tall and beautiful young woman with me is the first baby born in Tampa NOW. She is now a gynecologist. She's 5'9". I could have been somebody if I had been 5'9" instead of a measly 5'5 1/2"--shrunk to to mere 5'5" since I have gotten old. lee

There is nothing like knowing the facts when you are trying to change the world. I want to see how fast Steve Hegarty's salary rose after his hiring. He couldn't punctuate when the board hired him. I haven't checked his writing lately. He sneers at me when he comes into my orbit. Doesn't speak. Just sneers. Boo hoo. lee

Linda, is the "recognition" meeting a regular meeting with audience comment tomorrow?

I missed last meeting because one of my grandsons made me a new computer and left out my calender in the files transfer. I still want to see the man's personnel file who took Davis's place as head of the technology devision. I will give you a check for the file you have copied for me.

I need these data: Steve Hegerty made $91,000 when he was hired a couple of yearfs ago I believe; I saw a notation that said he now makes $101,000. Is that correct? What is his salary history with dates? On hiring he made how much? How many raises has he got since then and for how much? Thanks. ldd

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