Ms. Kurdell:
I reviewed your advertisement in La Gaceta and protest in the name of truth and the integrity of the English language. You have not held to truth in your ad; you have abused words.
The ad title says you are “a proven leader.” No, Ms. Kurdell, you are a proven potted plant who never deviates from anything Ms. Elia tells you to do. It’s zeig heil to the superintendent no matter how extreme her orders.
You claim you will “fight for our public schools.” No, you will fight for the racket the administration and board conduct in ROSSAC to the detriment of the public schools and the public purse.
You proved this statement in the Erwin debacle when you pretended you didn’t know that Mr. Erwin was trying to report crime in the schools to the superintendent Earl the Pearl Lennard and his under-thugs Hamilton and Black. They pretended not to understand him. The board, the attorney, everybody knew what was going on. They knew the evil trio was giving Erwin the runaround and faking that they wanted to know the facts when they knew the facts but didn’t want to act on them.
A modicum of in-house crime was the price of doing business for Lennard and his lieutenants. The crime was ok since it accompanied their racket of wielding power and engaging in money grubbing in the public purse. Nobody did anything to intervene in the crime wave but looked the other way and pretended ignorance about the crimes Mr. Erwin reported and the retaliation by Lennard, Hamilton, and Davis against him during their attempt to fire him and deprive him of his pension. A whistleblower on school crime was the last thing this ethics-challenged trio wanted.
Ditto the board and everybody else because employees knew if they uttered a peep of support of Erwin, they would get the sack probably with no pension as well if the vindictive administration trio could pull that vile deed off.
The purpose of the Professional Standards Office is to keep lists of suspects and shut anybody up who lets out a whiff of condemnation of the administrative and board skullduggery. It keeps the schools in terror lest anybody protest the criminal behavior that goes on in ROSSAC.
As for “raising teachers’ pay,” that’s a perennial canard piped by you and the rest of the board: You raised teachers pay by a measly 2 percent this year, yet I heard that Steve Hegerty, head of public affairs, who started at $91,000 two years ago is now at over $101,000 now. That’s over a ten percent increase in pay compared to the teachers’ measly 2 percent. The other administrators and superintendent pull down huge pay checks while teachers often must work two jobs to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Don’t lie and say you want to raise teachers’ pay; you want to rubberstamp huge superintendent and administrative pay and to hell with teachers.
When Ms. Elia’s contract comes up, it’s Katie, bar the door. She already makes $300,000, thanks to the board’s not looking out for taxpayers but for the superintendent, who means to have such a whopping exit salary that the postman will have to deliver her pension in a Publix shopping cart.
You of the board let Elia have a patronage bonus that allows her to hire buddies and kin into the high-level administration jobs, and she is free to bloat their salaries undeterred by the board. She does not hire qualified people, so the taxpayers don’t get their money’s worth. Cathy Valdez has an early-childhood degree in a job that should have a business degree. She’s incompetent in her job. Just recently Valdez did not insure a school project, a wall collapsed, and the district had to pay millions of dollars to repair the damage. She allowed an historic school to slip through her fingers for peanuts; it was then destroyed. When the historic-preservation community had her urged her to preserve the school, she ignored its advice. She lacks financial business savvy and a sense of the cultural significance of edifices that bespeak the community’s academic history.
The head professional affairs is Linda Kipley, who has a degree in home ec. No reputable university has a home-ec degree soiling its academic status and has not had since the twilight of the Paleolithic Era. Ms. Kipley has turned out to be a sadistic executioner of Ms. Elia’s vendettas. Attorney Gonzalez promised me three times to author a pamphlet to give to people entering the Professional Standards Gulag information to alert them to how they could protect themselves in the process. He didn’t do it. When I brought up the promise at board meetings and asked board members to tell him to come up with the pamphlet, none responded, including you. That shows how much concern you have for teachers and lower staff.
The board’s touting its devotion to equal opportunity is a hoot. Ms. Elia ordered that Ms. Kipley’s husband get a job that required a bachelor’s degree in accounting when he has only a high-school diploma. There were people who applied for this job with the degree and the experience the job description called for. Yet personnel’s Mr. Valdez passed over these to hire Kipley’s husband. That was a case of nepotism and buddy hiring if anything is. Yet the board didn’t say a word but rubberstamped the job for Mr. Linda Kipley without one question about the hiring being coincident with the board’s vaunted “We are an equal-opportunity employer” stamped on anything and anywhere. That slogan is an official lie that the board underwrites because it lets Ms. Elia hire unqualified buddies and sycophants and her pet’s husband. None of the board protests. You certainly don’t.
Connie Mileto, with a kindergarten background, got the chief political job because of the fawning dotage of no-fool-like-an-old-fool Dr. Hamilton. His broken-hearted wife divorced him for the activity accompanying this promotion and resigned her principal position one hears. This old fool is now up in Tallahassee with La Connie because one of the two jobs Elia invented for him was that of lobbyist on his retirement. The board did not ask for justification of this job creation in an economic downturn; it allowed it to roll past on the consent-agenda conveyor belt.
Now Hamilton joins Lamb and Ethridge as double dippers from the tax kitty.
Nor did board members ask questions when Hamilton got the heebie jeebies when it came time for him to retire and leave the scene of his triumph over his underlings in the school system and Ms. Elia created a boutique job for him to tide him over for several months until he calmed down and retired with the soothing prospect of the lobbyist job--a bad choice since he can't write a literate sentence. It’s hard to wean one’s self from graft. It’s addictive to those in the administration who have fed at the public trough for so long. Board members did not utter a peep in the taxpayers’ interest in these job-creation outrages. This conduct is poor representation for your claim of looking out for every penny of taxpayer money as you promised on the stump.
You can’t have excellent administration unless you have qualified people with some sense of moral responsibility to the taxpayers, the students, and the teachers. This administration comprises academic and professional weaklings who can’t do the jobs the superintendent hires them to do because they lack the brains and the training. No wonder there has been one crisis after another in the schools. Think of the transportation melt-down with a former bus driver as head of that department. The leadership from the administration is punk and abetted by a board who think punk is what the community, teachers, and students deserve.
You proclaim in your ad that you want to lower mileage and “cut wasteful government spending.” See Hamilton’s created jobs and the hiring of buddies throughout the system in a board and administration jobs program to assess the validity of this false claim.
You say you are “fighting to change the status quo” when you yourself have been the status quo for the last sixteen years. Fighting, my foot. You are the summary of the status quo. You should embroider "Ms. Status Quo" on all your outfits. If you were any less active in your board perch you would be motionless. The only time I have seen you animated was when you jumped on April Griffin for her asking to take an item off the agenda because it was a no-bid contract awarded to a former administrator.
You chided Griffin for being “disloyal” to the staff and affirmed that there was not a thing wrong with no-bid, you-scratch-my-back-and-I-will-scratch-yours bid procedures. Attorney Gonzalez jumped into full-throated support of no-bid contracts since his firm got his job 37 years ago in a no-bid scam. Candy Olson joined you in excoriating Griffin. Only Susan Valdes defended Griffin. The board scofflaws voted 5-2 to continue the no-bid racket with only Griffin and Valdes dissenting. You punched the green button first I bet.
Your ad says that you are “fighting” to “enhance screening procedures to expose those who would prey on our children.” The only time anybody is called to task about preying on the children is when the suspect is a teacher. Moral turpitude is tolerated and even encouraged for the ROSSAC denizens. Board Chair Jennifer Falliera initiated an affair on school grounds with Marc Hart, the previous head of the communications office. She haunted his office. She broke up his marriage, caused his divorce, and made his two little children suffer. The superintendent with the board’s collusion fired Hart to protect Fallieras’s “reputation.”
You on the board all knew the facts of this ugly sequence of this sleazy conduct. Yet you appointed Ms. Falliera as chair of the board. That cynicism shows how much you value board dignity. One doubts that any parent would want a person who could conduct herself as Ms. Falliera did on school time as chair of a board charged with protecting the interests of the school children of the county. I wonder how you would answer a constituent who asked you how you justified your vote to name Ms. Falliera chair of the board.
You say that you “demand that administrative leaders listen to parents, students, and teachers….” No reasonable person could infer such to be the case from your conduct. When parents come before the board to speak, the chair sneers at them and gavels them down mid-clause after three minutes. You say nothing about this rude treatment of parents. There is nothing to suggest in the board’s attitude toward parents when they brave the antagonism of the board to speak that shows any of the board wants to “listen to parents.” How many times have you spoken up for better treatment of parents in your sixteen years on the board? My bet is that it’s zero.
You claim you demand that administrators “listen to teachers.” Hooey and double hooey. Where were you when Ms. Elia imposed an extra class on teachers out of the blue without notifying them and giving them the chance to voice their opinions? What did you do when Ms. Elia purchased the multi-million-dollar Spring gimcrack program that had not worked in other institutions without notifying or consulting the teachers who had to implement it? Where were you when Ms. Elia forced teachers to dummy-down grades so that she could earn more “bonuses” in a new paradigm? This act insulted teachers’ professionalism because they wanted to give students the grades they earned; Ms. Elia’s greedy move deprived students of a rigorous education that would make it possible for them to get into better colleges.
The Board does not want to hear from teachers. I have e asked repeatedly to have the board grant teachers a permanent spot on the agenda so that they will feel welcome to come and give their insights. The board is silent when I bring this issue up. I wrote two board members whom I had supported with money and encouragement to get the item of a teacher slot on the agenda and to take it off the consent calendar for discussion. I bet my best frock that not one board member would have had the nerve to vote against the motion. Their resistance is cowardly, silent, and behind the curtain. They don’t want to admit publicly that they regard teachers as the field hands that produce the state money that the ROSSAC grandees decide what to do with. The board thinks the same as the administration on this issue.
I should point out that the two members whom I supported were Griffin and Valdes. They neither answered my email on their sponsoring a teacher slot on the board. Once board candidates get elected and pass through the magic ROSSAC doors, they don’t want anything to do with citizens who have ideas on how the board should run the schools. Ignoring voters is their idea of democracy. They take oaths of office not knowing the laws they swear to uphold.
I have never heard you demand anything in the two years I have observed the board except that Ms. Griffin stop asking for an end to no-bid contracts. You have been on automatic pilot for sixteen years. There is nothing in this La Gaceta ad persiflage that assures you won’t continue your usual collusion with the administration to deprive the county children, teachers, and parents of the better schools that are possible with an ethical, educated administration and a board that is concerned for its job of making the schools better and not making the administration’s louche rule go on as usual.
I wrote you about the apparent impropriety of your taking election money from the firms who have done or want to do business with the schools. There is an eerie connection between the scenes of Mr. Erwin’s taking the reporters to the top of a recently built school to show them the holes that caused leaking. Water incursion, bum air conditioners, even botched paint jobs characterized the problems that newly built schools featured that Mr. Erwin tried to alert the administration to.
How did the architects, contractors, and subcontractors get away with this sleazy work on schools? Who signed off on their payments for this shoddy work on public schools inhabited by the county’s children?
Answer: the Hillsborough County School Board approved the checks for this rip-off of the public.
Even an angel would be suspicious of graft.
Yet one sees on your donation list from the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections (below) such names as "The Architectural Practice, Inc., 5300 W. Cypress Street" ; "Allstate Construction, Inc., 5718 Tower”; ","Woodroffe Corporation Architects,5005 W. Laurel Street.”
One hopes your relationship with these firms is ethical. One is not sure, however, given the Erwin revelations. Somebody profited from lax oversight of the schools’ construction. As I wrote you before on this issue, the appearance of impropriety stains a public servant’s reputation. I suggest again that you should send these contributions back to the companies who sent them to you.
You quote La Gaceta’s endorsement of you at the end of the ad. It says that you deserve re-election because you “put children first.”
Hooey. You put your comfort as a go-along-to-get-along operative first; you put propitiating Ms. Elia first. The children are not even in the running. Nor are teachers, the schools in general, and the taxpayers. You are knee deep in the crony culture that has stained the Hillsborough County School leadership for years.
The Times and Florida Sentinal got it right: they recommend your opponent, Mr. Gorham, as your replacement. I agree. I don’t know if Mr. Gorham will be any better than you, but he can’t be any worse. And he has assured me that teachers will get a forum during board meetings. That one achievement would justify his election.
Lee Drury De Cesare
6/19/2007 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Sol","J.","Fleischman","Jr.","2919 Villa Rosa Park","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","architect","",
9/19/2007 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Mrs.","William H.","Jeter","","5301 E. 98th Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
9/19/2007 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Catherine","L.","Keene","","918 Lake Brooker Court","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
9/19/2007 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Marge","","Groene","","125 N. Burlingame Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
9/19/2007 12:00:00 AM,300.0000," ","","Milowen","H.","Begue","","3119 S. Julia Circle","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
2/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Surebet Risk Management Corp.","","","","","1404 W. Swann Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","B","risk management","",
3/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","All Florida Co-Op, Inc.","","","","","4608 E. Columbus Drive","","Tampa","FL","336050000","CHE","B","","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Jeffrey","G.","Italiano","","P.O. Box 10674","","Tampa","FL","336790000","CHE","I","insurance","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Holmes Hepner & Assoc. Architects, Inc.","","","","","100 W. Kennedy Blvd., #300","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Rowe Architects Incorporated","","","","","100 Madison Street, #200","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","E. M. Scott General Contractors, Inc.","","","","","1614 S. 50th Street","","Tampa","FL","336190000","CHE","B","general contracting","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Judy","","Whitaker","","5100 W. Kennedy Blvd., #250","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","development","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Leo","David","Carruthers","","5416 Cresent Drive","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","architect","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Celeste","K.","Valdez","","14903 Northwood Village Lane","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Woodroffe Corporation Architects","","","","","5005 W. Laurel Street, #215","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Rodriguez & Architecture A1A, P.A.","","","","","2203 N. Lois Avenue, #M500","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","","",
3/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Steven","M.","Heiser","","2902 N. Shoreview Place","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","I","architect","",
3/21/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Cox Fire Protection, Inc.","","","","","7910 Professional Place","","Tampa","FL","336370000","CHE","B","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jane","","Italiano","","P.O. Box 18383","","Tampa","FL","336790000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Barry","M.","Bywalec","","3915 Blooming Hill Lane","","Palm Harbor","FL","346840000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Connie","","Milito","","3316 Picwood Road","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Harvard Jolly, Inc.","","","","","2714 Dr. MLK, Jr. Street, N.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337040000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Lyle Engineering Group, Inc.","","","","","8308 N. Saulray Street","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","B","engineering","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","Bernie Wilson & Sons","","","","","3601 Swann Avenue, #110","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","B","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Harold","H.","Clark","","2103 N. Harold Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Barbara","B.","Hancock","","16910 Melissa Ann Drive","","Lutz","FL","335580000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sherry","K.","Barry","","818 Ambassador Loop","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Susana","","Collins","","P.O. Box 27234","","Tampa","FL","336230000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","William","L.","Hogan","","14707 Carnation Drive","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","John","W.","Wells","III","13630 Diamond Head Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Greater Bay Contruction Co., Inc.","","","","","4210 W. Spruce Street, #203","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","construction","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","G P M, Inc.","","","","","5012 W. Cypress Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","commercial wall syst","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Masonry Builders, Inc.","","","","","5012 W. Cypress Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","masonry","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Horus Construction Services, Inc.","","","","","P.O. Box 10667","","St. Petersburg","FL","337330000","CHE","B","construction","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Spectrum Painting & Waterproofing","","","","","4700 95th Avenue, N.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337080000","CHE","B","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Tracy","Colding","Schatzberg","","3905 W. San Luis Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","Ten Holdings, LLC","","","","","5607 Glen Crest Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336250000","CHE","B","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jerold","E.","Long","","414 Ashford Drive","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","David","B.","Hanson","","8492 Dunham Station Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Judy","","Whitaker","","5100 W. Kennedy Blvd., #250","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","development","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Beverly","R.","Wickson","","3435 Heards Ferry Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Thomas","H.","Fisher","","3309 W. Alline Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Judith","L.","Lombana","","19601 Bamboo Basin Way","","Lutz","FL","335590000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Rare Earth Sciences, Inc.","","","","","4019 E. Fowler Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336170000","CHE","B","engineering","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Dorothy","B.","Womble","","206 Chippewa Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","David","A.","Kemper","","110 Hickory Creek Drive","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","engineering","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sherri","L.","Godwin","","30336 Birdhouse Drive","","Wesley Chapel","FL","335440000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Diane","C.","Chadwick","","1209 E. Powhatan Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,40.0000," ","","Susan","M.","King","","16801 Ashwood Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,55.0000," ","","Marie","A.","Valenti","","4808 N. Habana Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336140000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","FL Gulf Coast Chpt. Builders & Contractors","","","","","2008 N. Himes Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","C","political org.","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Anston-Greenless, Inc.","","","","","1315 W. Fletcher","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","B","engineering","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Wilder Architecture, Inc.","","","","","P. O. Box 130754","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","The Morganti Group, Inc.","","","","","1450 Centrepark Blvd., #260","","West Palm Beach","FL","334010000","CHE","B","construction mgmt.","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Carolyn","P.","Hill","","12314 Langshaw","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Vernon","F.","Korhn","Jr.","3212 San Nicholas","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Janice","J.","Torgersen","","6404 N. Church Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336140000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Elizabeth","Anne","Luis","","16127 Carden Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Chester","M.","Luney","","14809 Farnham Way","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Fontaine","","Marion","","5108 Puritian Road","","Tampa","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Dawne","B.","Gullatt","","14506 Wessex Street","","Tampa","FL","336250000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Dyser Plumbing Co.","","","","","P.O. Box 270440","","Tampa","FL","336880000","CHE","B","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Cynthia","G.","Luiaconi","","12009 Wandsworth Drive","","Tampa","FL","336260000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Ronald","Lee","Weaver","","4403 W. Dale Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Andrew","L.","Graham","","1808 W. Hills Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Debra","A.","Arias","","2110 W. Fore Drive","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Jorge","E.","Ramirez","","9212 Hidden Water Circle","","Riverview","FL","335780000","CHE","I","","",
3/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Gilberto","","Ramos","","2825 Minuteman Lane","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","Diverse Mortgage Processing","","","","","6914 N. Lynn Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","B","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Nora","","Lamb","","9725 Tiffany Oaks Lane","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Julius","F.","Hobbs","","2602 Dorene Drive","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Karen","L.","Williams","","341 Greenwich Drive","","Richmond Hill","GA","313240000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Gina","","Flynn-Carmack","","3704 W. San Rafael Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Al","N.","Suarez","","8021 Cosme Road","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Mrs.","Joe E.","Newsome","","3405 N. Wilder Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","citrus","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Delana","L.","Parker","","3411 N. Wilder Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Dennis","H.","Newsome","","3031 Mayday Drive","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Kay","N.","Varnum","","12216 Walter Hunter Road","","Lithia","FL","335470000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,30.0000," ","","Tony","","Ippolito","","1925 N. Taylor Road","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Dwight","","Raines","","17012 Aspen Meadows Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Barbara","","McClamma","","7209 Dusty Road","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Neva","S.","Sessums","","12401 N. 22nd, #C508","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
3/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Barr, Murman, Tonelli, Slother & Sleet","","","","","P. O. Box 172669","","Tampa","FL","336720000","CHE","B","law firm","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Michele","","Gregory","","1106 Parrilla de Avila","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Judith","Gardner","Dato","","8620 W. Gulf Blvd.","","Treasure Island","FL","337060000","CHE","I","retired","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Patricia","G.","Keeley","","12718 Raeburn Way","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","James","P.","Hamilton","III","4302 Teal Way","","Pensacola","FL","325070000","CHE","I","educational advisor","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Math, Inc.","","","","","16329 Birkdale Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","B","rehabilitation","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","The Architectural Practice, Inc.","","","","","5300 W. Cypress Street, #280","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","architecture","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Millennium Laboratories, Inc.","","","","","12721 Race Track Road","","Tampa","FL","336260000","CHE","B","laboratories","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Kenneth","J.","Gaughan","","126 Hickory Creek Blvd.","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","W.","Crosby","Few","","4636 W. Lamb Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","attorney","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Edith","C.","Upstill","","2688 River Bend Lane","","Stevensville","MT","598700000","CHE","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Dean","","Holland-Best","","13208 Tifton Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Charles","","Otero","","13608 Heritage Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CAS","I","","",
3/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Margaret","","Otero","","13608 Heritage Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CAS","I","","",
3/31/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","C.","Scott","Evers","","4901 Londonderry Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","construction managem","",
3/31/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Frank","A.","Nelson","","503 Crystal Grove Blvd.","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","construction","",
3/31/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Donald","W.","Farris","","5125 Sylvan Oaks Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","construction manager","",
4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mrs.","William H.","Jeter","","5301 E. 98th Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
4/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","JoAnn","D.","Delrosal","","8926 Donna Lu Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
4/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Thomas","","Scaglione","","12709 Scaglione Drive","","Thonotosassa","FL","335920000","CHE","I","","",
4/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Gould Evans Associates, P.L.","","","","","5404 W. Cypress, #112","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","","",
4/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Patricia","","Folts","","329 Coleman Loop","","Homer","LA","710400000","CHE","I","","",
4/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Long & Associates","","","","","4525 S. Manhattan Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","B","engineering/architec","",
4/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","John","P.","Miliziano","","5308 Redfield Lane","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
4/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Amy G. Shimberg Revocable Trust","","","","","611 W. Bay Street","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","B","trust","",
4/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Thomas","A.","Ahonen","","3518 Pheasant Run, N.E.","","Blaine","MN","554490000","CHE","I","industrial consultan","",
4/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jack","E.","Davis","","3907 Crosstree Lane","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
4/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Leo","A.","Lorenzo","","10402 Acelia Way","","Tampa","FL","336260000","CHE","I","","",
4/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sam","","Fonte","","2312 S. MacDill Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
4/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Matthew","D.","Schaeffer","","16043 Rambling Road","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
4/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Rebecca","T.","Kaskeski","","3512 Perry Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336030000","CHE","I","","",
4/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Brenda","I.","Nolte","","1203 Dalzie Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","education","",
4/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jacqueline","S.","Heard","","3904 Hall Oak Court","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
4/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jason","","Pepe","","3937 Applegate Circle","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
4/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Carolyn","W.","Bricklemyer","","35 Adalia Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
4/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","Nicholas","D.","Carullo","","11531 N. Belmack Blvd.","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
4/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,40.0000," ","","Nicholas","D.","Carullo","","11531 N. Belmack Blvd.","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
4/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","HBEC Group, Inc.","","","","","4031 Teal Way","","Pensacola","FL","325070000","CHE","B","govt. affairs","",
4/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Iron Workers Local 397 State PAC","","","","","P.O. Box 18","","Mango","FL","335500000","CHE","C","political org.","",
4/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Rod","","Tanner","","5905 N. Rome Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","architect","",
4/15/2008 12:00:00 AM,35.0000," ","","Stanley","J.","Domal","","2001 Tanglewood Drive, N.E.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337020000","CHE","I","","",
4/15/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Peggy","J.","Jenkins","","605 June Lake Lane","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
4/15/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Michael","K.","Bookman","","14101 Ashburn Place","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
4/21/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Audrey","","Miller","","P. O. Box 113","","Riverview","FL","335680000","CHE","I","","",
4/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Beverly","L.","Carbaugh","","2818 Hampton Place Court","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
4/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","John","F.","Ranon","","2104 Abdella Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
4/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Rhonda","L.","Trainor","","318 Deer Cove Lane","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","","",
4/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Kerry","M.","Drake","","4301 Obispo Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
4/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mrs.","Gerald M.","Smith","II","2507 Whisper Lane","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
5/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Frank","","Fernandez","Jr.","2605 Cozumel Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
5/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Sol","J.","Fleischman","Jr.","2919 Villa Rosa Park","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
5/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Dolores","C.","McIntosh","","2218 Malibu Drive","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
4/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Susana","","Collins","","P.O. Box 27234","","Tampa","FL","336230000","INK","I","","office supplies",
5/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Craig","M.","Latimer","","17201 Estes Road","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","","",
5/6/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Luanne","","Panacek","","10307 Cliff Circle","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
5/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Barbara","J.","Kibbey","","6717 Forrestvale Lane","","Tampa","FL","336340000","CHE","I","","",
5/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Sheryl","D.","Cerreta","","17805 Crystal Cove Place","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","","",
5/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Rose","Anne G.","Bowers","","6205 Quiet Waters Place","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
5/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Grace","M.","Ippolito","","1022 Emerald Drive","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","retired","",
5/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Julianne","M.","Holt","","P.O. Box 172417","","Tampa","FL","336720000","CHE","I","","",
5/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Alva","","Simmons","","P.O. Box 1009","","Valrico","FL","335950000","CHE","I","","",
5/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Michelle","P.","Shimberg","","3214 W. Fountain Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
5/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","David","","Best","","13208 Tifton Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
5/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Alex","D.","MacKinnon","","334 Blanca Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","retired","",
5/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Olivia","","Shepherd","","3411 29th Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336050000","CHE","I","","",
5/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","William","L.","Smith","","3601 Bayshore Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
5/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","American Fundraising Services, Inc.","","","","","5009 Tampa West Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336340000","CHE","B","","",
5/15/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","John","F.","Cooper","","6813 Mitchell Circle","","Tampa","FL","336340000","CHE","I","","",
5/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Susan","E.","Raburn","","6904 W. Thonotosassa Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","","",
5/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Ellis Construction Company, Inc.","","","","","P.O. Box 1132","","Tampa","FL","336010000","CHE","B","construction","",
5/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Lloyd","","Sineni","","300 N. State Street, #4232","","Chicago","IL","606100000","CHE","I","mgmt. consulting","",
5/20/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Ivonaide","M.","Ferree","","3220 W. Marlin Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
5/20/2008 12:00:00 AM,75.0000," ","","Sheryl","Ann","Goucher","","3613 Vasconia Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
5/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Susana","","Collins","","P.O. Box 27234","","Tampa","FL","336230000","INK","I","secretary","office supplies",
5/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Merlin","T.","Zirkle","Jr.","7912 3rd Avenue, S.","","Saint Petersburg","FL","337070000","CHE","I","sales","",
5/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Geralyn","B.","Gleason","","4809 S. Mound Avenue, #103","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
5/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,15.0000," ","","Michael","G.","Alvarez","","1224 Tulipwood Drive","","Seffner","FL","335840000","CHE","I","","",
5/31/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Meri","D.","Menendez","","3011 W. Swann Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
6/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Irene","","Spoto","","495 Bosphorus Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
6/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Merlin","T.","Zirkle","Jr.","7912 3rd Avenue, S.","","Saint Petersburg","FL","337070000","CHE","I","sales","",
6/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Jeanette","","Leone","","4509 Fig Street, #D","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
6/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Gordon","J.","Schiff","","188 Blanca Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","attorney","",
6/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","HBEC Group, Inc.","","","","","4031 Teal Way","","Pensacola","FL","325070000","CHE","B","govt. affairs","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Susan","G.","Morris","","15608 Jericho Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Mary","E.","Harper","","12012 Riverhills Drive","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Mitchell","D.","Muley","","3437 Heards Ferry Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Peggie","","Painter","","4408 Sea Mist Drive","","New Smyrna Beach","FL","321690000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,150.0000," ","","Daryl","W.","Saunders","","31407 Reed Road","","Dade City","FL","335230000","CHE","I","education","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Wynne","A.","Tye","","19226 Weymouth Drive","","Land O' Lakes","FL","346380000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","Marilyn","","Rivera","","P.O. Box 273612","","Tampa","FL","336880000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Michael","B.","Levine","","3513 San Juan Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Glenda","D.","Rodriguez","","3508 Stable Ridge Lane","","Land O' Lakes","FL","346390000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Holly","A.","Saia","","16708 Longleat Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Diane","A.","Farmer","","2413 Bayshore Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Elizabeth","","Hastings","","14735 Morning Drive","","Lutz","FL","335590000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Barbara","B.","Hancock","","16910 Melissa Ann Drive","","Lutz","FL","335580000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Donna","M.","Kimes","","16810 Woburn Lane","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","James","","Harkness","","4607 Harvey Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336030000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Kathleen","A.","Flanagan","","13620 Lake Magdalene Blvd., #4","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Beny","","Peretz","","10035 Colonnade Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","John","P.","Miliziano","","5308 Redfield Lane","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Susan","S.","Whitinger","","16905 Equestrian Trail","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","William","D.","Wieland","","5524 Winhawk Way","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Karen","A.","Zielinski","","14125 Riverstone Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Marjorie","R.","Sandler","","4608 Cloverlawn Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
6/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Conchita","L.","Canty-Jones","","19705 Courtney Jo Lane","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CAS","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","Rolando","J.","Alvarez","","1712 W. Jetton Avenue, #C","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Helen","Gordon","Davis","","45 Adalia Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Diana","","Castellano","","4510 W. Brookwood Drive","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,75.0000," ","","Roy","Glenn","McKenzie","","3010 W. San Isidro","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Paul","","Moore","","58 Vinnings Lake Drive","","Mableton","GA","301260000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Kate","Hall","Rouse","","3302 W. Alline Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Wilhelmina","","Kaeding","","6914 N. Lynn Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Woodroffe Corporation Architects","","","","","5005 W. Laurel Street, #215","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Vogel Bros Building Co.","","","","","P.O. Box 5200","","Lakeland","FL","338070000","CHE","B","development","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","Bay Area Glass & Door Service, Inc.","","","","","3405 N. Nebraska Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336030000","CHE","B","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","All Florida Co-Op, Inc.","","","","","4608 E. Columbus Drive","","Tampa","FL","336050000","CHE","B","construction","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","S.","V.","Davis","","17824 Followfield Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CAS","I","","",
6/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Kisinger Campo & Associates","","","","","P. O. Box 25261","","Tampa","FL","336220000","CHE","B","engineering","",
6/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Hazel","S.","Harvey","","4315 W. Green Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Christie","G.","Farrior","","3310 W. Morrison Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","librarian","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Roger","E.","Robson","","2501 W. Bristol Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","investments","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Mary","S.","Robson","","2627 W. Jetton Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Millwrights & Machinery Erectors Loc. 1000","","","","","9711 E. Hillsborough Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336100000","CHE","C","political org.","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Allstate Construction, Inc.","","","","","5718 Tower Road","","Tallahassee","FL","323030000","CHE","B","construction","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Dianne","","Curry","","3165 Toscana Circle","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
6/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","James","C.","Copeland","","13907 Seaforth Manor Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Joyce","","Haines","","1106 S. Armenia","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Earl","W.","Whitlock","","1106 S. Armenia","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Lale","J.","Saltzgaver","","6013 Lakeside Drive","","Lutz","FL","335580000","CHE","I","","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Sheet Metal Workers Local #15 P.A.L. Fund","","","","","5619 N. 50th Street","","Tampa","FL","336100000","CHE","C","political org.","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Aubrey","E.","Black","","2601 St. Joseph Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","John","J.","Cox","III","7015 Professional Parkway, E.","","Sarasota","FL","342400000","CHE","I","construction","",
7/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Halfacre Construction Company","","","","","7015 Professional Parkway, E.","","Sarasota","FL","342400000","CHE","B","construction","",
7/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Patricia","S.","Purdy","","11239 W. Grayrock Drive","","Springfield","MO","658100000","CHE","I","","",
7/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Cromwell Building Corporation, Inc.","","","","","P.O. Box 55007","","Saint Petersburg","FL","337320000","CHE","B","","",
7/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Jo","Ann C.","Lathers","","14915 Rocky Ledge Drive","","Tampa","FL","336250000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
7/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","E.","Kelly","Bittick","Jr.","3134 S. Waverly Park","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
7/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sherry","C.","Ogden","","5116 W. Cleveland Street","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
7/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Plumbers & Steam Fitter's Local Union 234","","","","","5411 Cassidy Road","","Jacksonville","FL","322540000","CHE","B","union","",
7/16/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Nancy","A.","Norquist","","221 W. Minnehaha","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","","",
7/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","James","M.","Evans","","19006 Silverbrook Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
7/18/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Bill Shields Roofing, Inc.","","","","","3400 W. Bay To Bay Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","B","roofing","",
7/21/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","James","A.","Murman","","410 Blanca Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","attorney","",
7/21/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Hector","J.","Rivera","","604 S. Tamania Avenue, #A","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
7/21/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Donald","S.","Gage","","3307 Latania Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
7/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","B.","","Leslie","","4602 S. Ferdinand Drive","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CAS","I","","",
7/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Eric","","Bergholm","","624 Durant Oaks Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CAS","I","","",
7/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,75.0000," ","","John","R.","Owens","","12504 Shadow Run Blvd.","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
7/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Peter","B.","Davidsen","","103 2nd Street, N.W.","","Ruskin","FL","335700000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Leslie","C.","Morris","","507 Finger Lakes Place","","Seffner","FL","335840000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Luana","","Perez","","4625 Daventry Place","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Randolph","","Poindexter","","1918 Dove Field Drive","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Henry","C.","Washington","","11931 Pruett Road","","Seffner","FL","335840000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","Cindy","","Guy","","3520 Yale Circle","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Catherine","A.","Ferguson","","623 Fieldstone Drive","","Brandon","FL","335510000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Lisa","Tierney","Jackson","","816 Oak Park Place","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Donna","L.","Marra","","13201 Balm Boyette Road","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Kenneth","","Adum","","18915 Edinborough Way","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Catherine","M.","Lennard-Shields","","2220 S. Valrico Road","","Valrico","FL","335960000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Clara","J.","Davis","","4206 Imperial Eagle Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Arlene","S.","Castelli","","11008 Theresa Arbor Drive","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","John","R.","Owens","","12504 Shadow Run Blvd.","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
7/28/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Hytek Better Water","","","","","2412 Stonehill Avenue","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","B","","",
7/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","F.","A.","Williams","","4433 Bay Court Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
7/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Jean","","Leone","","4105 W. San Nicholas","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
7/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","James Douglas Ruyle, P.A.","","","","","3333 W. Kennedy Blvd., #203","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","B","","",
7/30/2008 12:00:00 AM,35.0000," ","","Lyle","R.","Flagg","","111 James Court","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
8/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Donna","Lee","Burger","","909 Lakeside Drive","","Seffner","FL","335840000","CHE","I","","",
8/1/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Rose","Marie","Chillura","","523 Severn Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
8/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Maribeth","","Franklin","","817 Oak Park Place","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
8/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,75.0000," ","","Juanita","P.","Underwood","","4218 E. Clifton Street","","Tampa","FL","336100000","CHE","I","","",
8/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mrs.","William H.","Jeter","","5301 E. 98th Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
8/6/2008 12:00:00 AM,350.0000," ","","Jane","M.","Murphy","","414 Shore Crest Drive","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","social worker","",
8/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Charles","F.","Hearns","","6002 Catlin Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
8/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Cynthia","D.","Coney","","4406 Culbreath Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","I","","",
8/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Bay Area Construction PAC","","","","","2918 W. Kennedy Blvd., #201","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","C","political org.","",
8/11/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","J.","Vince","Thompson","","1403 Pine Tree Circle","","Wimauma","FL","335980000","CHE","I","","",
8/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Mary","Kate","Harrison","","16707 Blenheim Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
8/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Stephen","","Kittner","","15310 Indian Head Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
8/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Laura","A.","Zavatkay","","1205 W. Horatio Street, #1","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
8/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Connie","W.","Dukes","","3810 McIntosh Road","","Dover","FL","335270000","CHE","I","retired","",
8/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Delana","L.","Parker","","3411 N. Wilder Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","teacher","",
8/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Margaret","A.","Fisher","","1744 W. Beach Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","retired","",
8/14/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Grace","L.","Albritton","","13724 Chestersall Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
8/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sherrie","F.","Sikes","","2412 Stonehill Avenue","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CAS","I","","",
8/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Daniel","","Sikes","","2412 Stonehill Avenue","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CAS","I","","",
8/16/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Patricc","C.","Petti","","1120 E. Kennedy Blvd., #1209","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","I","","",
8/18/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Kenneth","W.","Davey","","4008 Mountain Springs","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
9/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mrs.","William H.","Jeter","","5301 E. 98th Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
9/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Marge","","Groene","","125 N. Burlingame Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
9/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","John","","Hilderbrand","","3500 10th Street, N.E.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337040000","CHE","I","","",
9/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Judith","L.","Lombana","","19601 Bamboo Basin Way","","Lutz","FL","335590000","CHE","I","educator","",
9/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Margarita","","Gonzalez","","3017 W. Dewey Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
9/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Catherine","L.","Keene","","19900 Gulf Blvd., #A","","Indian Shores","FL","337850000","CHE","I","","",
9/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,300.0000," ","","Milowen","H.","Begue","","3119 S. Julia Circle","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","homemaker","",
9/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Marge","","Groene","","125 N. Burlingame Avenue","","Temple Terrace","FL","336170000","CHE","I","","",
9/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","William","F.","Poe","","302 Knights Run Aveue, #700","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","I","","",
9/12/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Luis","","Garcia","","7619 Lake Cypress Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
9/13/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Rose","","Diaz","","415 S. 58th Street","","Tampa","FL","336190000","CAS","I","","",
9/18/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Charles","","Otero","","13608 Heritage Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CAS","I","","",
9/18/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Margaret","","Otero","","13608 Heritage Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CAS","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,20.0000," ","","Eric","","Bergholm","","624 Durant Oaks Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CAS","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Pamela","Jill","Campbell-Peralta","","237 Lakeside Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,40.0000," ","","Susan","M.","King","","16801 Ashwood Drive","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Debra","A.","Arias","","2110 W. Fore Drive","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Linda","","Cobbe","","17503 Mallard Court","","Lutz","FL","335590000","CHE","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Lynn","L.","Norton","","15513 Morning Drive","","Lutz","FL","335590000","CHE","I","","",
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM,130.0000," ","","Peter","","Gottschalk","","4824 King Lake Drive","","Land O' Lakes","FL","346390000","INK","I","architect","mailing services",
9/19/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Dorothy","B.","Womble","","206 Chippewa Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
9/20/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Surebet Prize Indemnity Corp.","","","","","P. O. Box 46548","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","B","indemnity services","",
9/20/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Barr, Murman, Tonelli, Slother & Sleet","","","","","P. O. Box 172669","","Tampa","FL","336720000","CHE","B","law firm","",
9/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","","Jayne","","Vining","","2 Rebecca Lane","","Stoneham","MA","021800000","CHE","I","retired","",
9/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Theresa","E.","Mayernick","","1104 Morningside Court","","Tallahassee","FL","323010000","CHE","I","govt. consultant","",
9/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Susana","","Collins","","P.O. Box 27234","","Tampa","FL","336230000","CHE","I","","",
9/22/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Colodny Fass Talenfeld Karlinsky Abate, PA","","","","","100 S.E. 3rd Avenue, 23rd Floo","","Fort Lauderdale","FL","333940000","CHE","B","law firm","",
9/23/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Sheryl","Ann","Goucher","","3613 Vasconia Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
9/23/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jane","M.","Italiano","","P.O. Box 18383","","Tampa","FL","336790000","CHE","I","","",
9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Dick","J.","Puglisi","","10522 Lake Williams Drive","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,35.0000," ","","Lyle","R.","Flagg","","111 James Court","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","William","L.","Smith","","3601 Bayshore Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,30.0000," ","","Irene","","Spoto","","495 Bosphorus Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","I","","",
9/24/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Rod","","Tanner","","5905 N. Rome Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","architect","",
9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Nora","","Lamb","","9725 Tiffany Oaks Lane","","Tampa","FL","336120000","CHE","I","","",
9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Ruth","H.","Tyre","","15350 Amberly Drive, #514","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Rhonda","L.","Trainor","","318 Deer Cove Lane","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","","",
9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Margaret","A.","Fisher","","1744 W. Beach Street","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","I","","",
9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM,400.0000," ","Sheet Metal Workers Local #15 P.A.L. Fund","","","","","5619 N. 50th Street","","Tampa","FL","336100000","CHE","C","political org.","",
9/26/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jacqueline","","Ticer","","4988 Big Creek Road","","Millington","TN","380530000","CHE","I","","",
9/26/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Nancy","A.","Norquist","","221 W. Minnehaha","","Tampa","FL","336040000","CHE","I","","",
9/26/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Celeste","K.","Valdez","","14903 Northwood Village Lane","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
9/26/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Audrey","","Miller","","P. O. Box 113","","Riverview","FL","335680000","CAS","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","Harvard Jolly, Inc.","","","","","2714 Dr. MLK, Jr. Street, N.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337040000","CHE","B","architecture","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Kenneth","J.","Gaughan","","126 Hickory Creek Blvd.","","Brandon","FL","335110000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","James","C.","Copeland","","13907 Seaforth Manor Way","","Tampa","FL","336130000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","W.","D.","McGinnes","Jr.","3012 Sutton Woods","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Hank","","Sytsma","","3706 Heathcoe Road","","Plant City","FL","335670000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","William","Cecil","Everidge","","1903 Masters Way","","Plant City","FL","335670000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mike","","Sparkman","","2106 N. Golfview Drive","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","","Janice","J.","Torgersen","","6404 N. Church Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336140000","CHE","I","education","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Barbara","J.","Kibbey","","6717 Forrestvale Lane","","Tampa","FL","336340000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Randolph","","Poindexter","","1918 Dove Field Drive","","Brandon","FL","335100000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","E.","Kelly","Bittick","Jr.","3134 S. Waverly Park","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Earl","W.","Whitlock","","1106 S. Armenia","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Jack","E.","Davis","","3907 Crosstree Lane","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Kenneth","","Parker","","3411 N. Wilder Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CAS","I","","",
9/27/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Delana","L.","Parker","","3411 N. Wilder Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CAS","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,40.0000," ","","Carolyn","P.","Hill","","12314 Langshaw","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Alva","","Simmons","","P.O. Box 1009","","Valrico","FL","335950000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Edith","C.","Upstill","","2688 River Bend Lane","","Stevensville","MT","598700000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Frank","","Fernandez","Jr.","2605 Cozumel Drive","","Tampa","FL","336180000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Rebecca","T.","Kaskeski","","3512 Perry Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336030000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Karen","L.","Williams","","341 Greenwich Drive","","Richmond Hill","GA","313240000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Joan","M.","Courtney","","4008 Cedar Cay Circle","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Susan","E.","Raburn","","6904 W. Thonotosassa Road","","Plant City","FL","335650000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Peggie","","Painter","","4408 Sea Mist Drive","","New Smyrna Beach","FL","321690000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Mary","Ott","Wood","","2605 Clubhouse Drive","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Brenda","I.","Nolte","","1203 Dalzie Drive","","Valrico","FL","335940000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Kerry","M.","Drake","","4301 Obispo Street","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Julius","F.","Hobbs","","2602 Dorene Drive","","Plant City","FL","335660000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Alexander","M.","Long","","12219 State Street","","Tampa","FL","336350000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Harry","M.","Long","Jr.","8303 Double Branch Road","","Tampa","FL","336350000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Al","N.","Suarez","","8021 Cosme Road","","Odessa","FL","335560000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","Bernie Wilson & Sons","","","","","3601 Swann Avenue, #110","","Tampa","FL","336090000","CHE","B","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,30.0000," ","","Ivonaide","M.","Ferree","","3220 W. Marlin Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","I","","",
9/29/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Leo","A.","Lorenzo","","10402 Acelia Way","","Tampa","FL","336260000","CHE","I","","",
10/8/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Cynthia","G.","Luiaconi","","12009 Wandsworth Drive","","Tampa","FL","336260000","CHE","I","","",
10/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","HBEC Group, Inc.","","","","","4031 Teal Way","","Pensacola","FL","325070000","CHE","B","govt. affairs","",
10/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","HBEC Group, Inc.","","","","","4031 Teal Way","","Pensacola","FL","325070000","CHE","B","govt. affairs","",
10/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Charles","F.","Hearns","","6002 Catlin Drive","","Tampa","FL","336470000","CHE","I","","",
10/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Louis Betz & Associates, Inc.","","","","","P.O. Box 274108","","Tampa","FL","336880000","CHE","B","govt. relations","",
10/2/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","E. M. Scott General Contractors, Inc.","","","","","1614 S. 50th Street","","Tampa","FL","336190000","CHE","B","general contracting","",
10/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,35.0000," ","","Stanley","J.","Domal","","2001 Tanglewood Drive, N.E.","","St. Petersburg","FL","337020000","CHE","I","","",
10/3/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Lloyd","","Sineni","","300 N. State Street, #4232","","Chicago","IL","606100000","CHE","I","","",
10/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","Peter","B.","Davidsen","","103 2nd Street, N.W.","","Ruskin","FL","335700000","CHE","I","","",
10/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,30.0000," ","","Mary","Kate","Harrison","","16707 Blenheim Drive","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
10/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Patricia","G.","Keeley","","12718 Raeburn Way","","Tampa","FL","336240000","CHE","I","","",
10/5/2008 12:00:00 AM,500.0000," ","The Morganti Group, Inc.","","","","","1450 Centrepark Blvd., #260","","West Palm Beach","FL","334010000","CHE","B","construction mgmt.","",
10/6/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","J.","Vince","Thompson","","1403 Pine Tree Circle","","Wimauma","FL","335980000","CHE","I","","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Marie","A.","Valenti","","4808 N. Habana Avenue","","Tampa","FL","336140000","CHE","I","","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","Barbara","B.","Hancock","","16910 Melissa Ann Drive","","Lutz","FL","335580000","CHE","I","","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Barbara","","McClamma","","7209 Dusty Road","","Riverview","FL","335690000","CHE","I","","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,25.0000," ","","Lale","J.","Saltzgaver","","6013 Lakeside Drive","","Lutz","FL","335580000","CHE","I","","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,150.0000," ","","Marseena","L.","Bobo","","9714 Emerald Hill Street, N.W.","","Canal Fulton","OH","446140000","CHE","I","educator","",
10/7/2008 12:00:00 AM,150.0000," ","","Julianne","M.","Holt","","P.O. Box 172417","","Tampa","FL","336720000","CHE","I","attorney","",
10/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Stephen","W.","Swindal","","908 S. 20th Street","","Tampa","FL","336050000","CHE","I","towing services","",
10/9/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","Rowe Architects Incorporated","","","","","100 Madison Street, #200","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","B","architecture","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","A. J. Sanchez Consulting Engineers, Inc.","","","","","3825 Henderson Blvd., #103","","Tampa","FL","336290000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,200.0000," ","","Frank","A.","Nelson","","503 Crystal Grove Blvd.","","Lutz","FL","335480000","CHE","I","construction","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","","James","R.","Mehltretter","","16124 4th Street, E.","","Redington Beach","FL","337080000","CHE","I","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Anderson Lesniak Limited, Inc.","","","","","4921 S. Westshore Blvd.","","Tampa","FL","336110000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Kalemeris Construction, Inc.","","","","","P.O. Box 15422","","Tampa","FL","336840000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Woodroffe Corporation Architects","","","","","5005 W. Laurel Street, #215","","Tampa","FL","336070000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Ardaman & Associates, Inc.","","","","","3925 Coconut Palm Drive, #115","","Tampa","FL","336190000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","W. G. Mills, Inc.","","","","","3301 Whitfield Avenue","","Sarasota","FL","342430000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","J.B.D. Construction, Inc.","","","","","10798 Florence Avenue","","Thonotosassa","FL","335920000","CHE","B","","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,100.0000," ","Bayside Engineering, Inc.","","","","","110 N. 11th Street, 1st Floor","","Tampa","FL","336020000","CHE","B","","",
10/4/2008 12:00:00 AM,250.0000," ","Amy G. Shimberg Revocable Trust","","","","","611 W. Bay Street","","Tampa","FL","336060000","CHE","B","trust","",
10/10/2008 12:00:00 AM,50.0000," ","","William","D.","Wieland","","5524 Winhawk Way","","Lutz","FL","335490000","CHE","I","","",
I wonder if Kurdell, Lamb, and Olson have received kickbacks from all the companies who have done business with the school district so that they will keep their mouths shut when Elia and the district officials want to hire these companies without bidding the jobs out. There must be some reason why they simply rubberstamp everything.
I wonder if the mainstream media could look into the deposits into these board members' bank accounts to see if funny business was afoot.
Everyone should be very suspicious of these old timers on the board. Most politicians move onto other positions. They have stayed on b/c it is comfy for some reason. It could be some kind of monetary reward.
Bookman, Newsome, King, Hancock, Few, Brickelmeyer, are just some of the district names that jumped out of the contribution list. Isn't shaking down your cronies a bit unethical?
There are long enduring and persistent rumors in the upper echelon of ROSSAC that a currently seated, long time board member was paid off directly from school district funds.
This female board member supposedly was in dire financial straights (Hmmm I wonder which of the three long time female board members might fit this description?). Some of the highest ranking administration officials in the district facilitated the "public financing" to help her out (And thereby ensuring her enduring loyalty and obedience).
Additionally consider the following:
Have you noticed that Jack Lambs daughter Ms. Arias is enjoying a meteoric rise through HCPS?
How about Doretha Edgecombs daughter and her similarly remarkable career advancement.
At HCPS they strive to compromise anyone with any power, be it real or percieved. They use favors, money, and/or sex (ala Faliero and Hart) to reign people in. Compromised people are controllable people.
And don't get me started on what they supposedly have on Elia!
They want desperately to compromise Griffin, we can infer that this hasn't happened yet because they are still fighting her. If she had succumbed, the tension and "dysfunction" that has been and continues to be chronicled on the HCSB would either not exist or they would have already played their hand since Griffin is clearly not playing the game the HCSB way.
The payoff did not occur on Elias watch. It happened during the Leonard administration. Leonards enforcer Hamilton did the dirty work along with a couple of other top level cronies.
It seems Ms. Faliero felt the need to respond to the Tribune Opinion piece with an Op Ed of her own. The following is the response that I posted on in response to her Op Ed:
Nice try Jen. The problem is that you cannot rewrite Roberts Rules of Order. As chair you are merely a facilitator.
Once the floor is given to a member, there are very specific rules regarding how the floor may be reclaimed from the person holding the floor. You followed none of those rules.
A member other than the chair could have called for the Agenda of the Day (Provided Griffin was off agenda, which she was not).
Another board member could have called the question... which none did. But only provided the board as a whole agreed that sufficient debate had occured.
The floor could be temporarily seized by a point of information, but after the information request is fulfilled the floor is returned to the person who held the floor prior to the point of information.
You're a joke Jen.You have violated Florida statute by moving out of your district.
You caused a public calamity while residing outside of your district.
As attested by Mark Hart in his divorce deposition, while Mark was employed by HCPS you engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship with him that resulted in the dissolution of his marriage and yours.
Finally let us not forget that this is not the first time that you have attacked Griffin.You don't get it.
You were elected to oversee Elia and the administration. You were not elected to make friends.
You routinely do the ROSSAC bunches bidding from your compromised perch. Every time you fight their battles you are battered and beaten. Why do you continue to blindly follow that which you should be leading? What else does Elia have on you?
The only person out of order is/was you. Griffin had the floor. You didn't like her questioning your vaunted authority or attacking your bossom buddies so you did the only thing you know how to do: abused your power. That is out of order.
You did not follow Roberts Rules... that is out of order. You threatened to have Griffin removed which you don't have the authority to do to another elected board member... that is out of order. You called on a fellow elected official to resign if she did not execute her job YOUR way... that is out of order. And YOU madame are out of order.
You may be proud as an elected official, but this community is embarassed and ashamed by you. You are a bully and worse: a go along to get along rubber stamper. You don't deserve to hold any office.
Kiss that seat goodbye Jen. Forces are already aligning against you.
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