From: Anonymous [mailto:noreply-comment@blog]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 11:23 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on <!-- GoStats JavaScript Based Code --> Tom, plea....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Tom, plea...":
Not bechamel sauce. She probably doesn't know what that is. She probably made hamburgers and hot dogs or pork chops.
This is a woman who would not be accepted in European circles or anything beyond middle class standards.
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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 8:22 PM
Now you are in for it from Galahad Tom, who says we are picking on Kipley. lee
From: Anonymous []
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 11:32 PM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on <!--[if gte vml 1]> ....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " ...":
I wonder what motivates people like Linda Kipley and Tom Gonzalez. They sound like cruel people.
I have worked with Bart, and he is a joy to work with always bending over backward to help his co-workers. I wish he still worked at my school. He always greets people with a smile. He also makes everyone laugh. He is an asset to any school.
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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 8:31 PM
I have the theory that because Bart is so nice, they thought he would be a good practice target to whet their skills on for further adventures in sadism. The baby seal declined to be clubbed, however, and fought back. Things like that always cheer me up.
Why are there sadists? I don't know. Auschwitz is the summary of the breed. But we have a few Hitler hires at ROSSAC. lee
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