Saturday, August 15, 2009

My God, Look at That Outfit!

Ms. Valdez and Mr. Otero:

You are hereby appointed to the post of Fashion Police for the board and administration, being as you two are the best dressers in an ill-dressed administrative outfit.

See what you can do to subdue the egregious fashion-mode of Board member Candy, effulgent fashion displays' being her bete noire.

Linda Kipley, foot-fetishist bimbette, requires your astringent scrutiny and corrective action as well.
Do not be nice.

And do not forefend to take the aesthetic measure of the whole administrative group, none of whom, alas, demonstrates the fashion excellence that one would expect from people with minimal credentials in academic requisites but hypertrophied salaries in administrative ripoffs that could purchase classy duds if they were able to recognize them.

Alas, the adminsitrative fashion dummies demonstrate the shibboleth that you can bump up an aesthetic dumbasses's pay grade, but you can't correct his or her bad taste either in duds or in ethics.

Ms. Valdez, rely on Mr. Otero to take notes and offer support as long as he thinks no one on the board notices him. Men never have and will never have an understanding of the importance of clothes in signaling authority.

Pray publish this as a Board of Hillsborough-County-citizen commentary to lay bare the administration's and board's fashion deficiencies, which rival their ethical deficiencies, so help you God.

Lee Drury De Cesare, South-west Florida Aesthetics and Fashion Guardian Extraordinaire


Anonymous said...

You would think that they would all dress better since they have time on their hands to go shopping. They certainly aren't looking out for the welfare of children!

Anonymous said...

Candy's couture is like she is trying so hard to look uppercrust when she really has no clue. She is an example of someone who has money to buy expensive clothing, but she doesn't know what to choose and how to wear it. She is afflicted with a "basketball with toothpicks stuck into it" body. Her goal should be to cover the basketball with flowing garments.

Vox Populi said...

anonymous, you and lee really ARE confused this time.
They have time to shop !!! That part you are NOT confused about.

BUT ... they already THINK they LOOK GOOD.

There, that alleviates a small spot of confusion in the world.

Have you ever seen very young girls dressed very inappropriately? (by their mothers, one assumes)

And/or women or men squeezed into things that don't really fit?

full disclosure: I like baggy clothes AND/or tight jeans sometimes. LOL I'm not throwing rocks just explaining something..

Anyway .. and they pass by you in a dept store and stuff is hanging out here and there so you're not sure if they passed a mirror on the way out of the house?

THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL THE SAME .. the relatives of the board people. I'm just sayin ... these people go back to old-timey florida together to hear them tell it. carnies and settlers. It's true. They don't want ya here.

they think they look good.

There is nothing you can do or say to ever convince these people they have ever done anything wrong or that they look awful.
Some don't know any better and some were raised poorly.
All I'm saying is that ... we're wasting our time trying to shame the shameless. We just need to get them OUT OF POWER. PRONTO.

ALthough I fully advocate the fashionista policia in lee. It does take the wind out of their sails a bit. L O L. I love that.

And, they ARE dressed just fine for a day at the circus. Which is what they've made of tampa: one bloody big carnival.

twinkobie said...

Vox, I have lived longer, traveled more, read more, and seen more than a baby like you.

Let me assure you that people care about how they look. And they sense correctly that their reception in the world depends on how they look. This maxim has been so since the cave man pulled on his animal-skin thong.

My advice is don't go into a gathering looking like a bag man or somebody who doesn't know the first thing about wearing the right clothes. And don't try to stand out. Dress simply and plainly. Then people are more likely to assume you are a regular person and will listen to you.

The board has stopped listening to me and spend the time I spend before the board wishing that I would just die right there at the mike. It's not the way I look that causes that reaction; in fact, that I look like a regular woman has always helped me in my civil-rights work; it's the tenor of what I say that enrages them and makes them tune them out if they can. That's why I talk past them to the people who outrank them. The answer to that inattention is to blast them with a verbal onslaught and rat them up to the people who outrank them.

You have many vivid and acute insights, Vox. If you spent the time you do communicating to me, you would have a blog. And I will be delighted to read it and expect to be educated by your sharp mind an vivid impressions. lee

twinkobie said...

To Candy's Couture Comment:

Candy should wear a designer called Eskandar. He makes clothes that are attuned to the Middle Eastern women's bodies, that is, a little on the heavy side with no waistline to speak of.

I have several of his pieces--he is pricey (pieces start at 5 or 6 hundred) and sells at stores like Bergdorf's--and they would make a volley ball look fashionable.

Candy's wearing bizarre prints just exacerbates her body's unfortunate shape.

You don't have to spend a ton of money on clothes if you have a shred of taste. You have to buy a few good things--not a pile of wild prints as Candy does. Where in God's name did she get the idea that those are chic? Twiggy would have trouble carrying them off. lee

Vox Populi said...

lee, I did open the blog. Haven't begun posting to it yet. Commenting here draws peoples' attention. And lends support to your blog. Plus the infighting among your commenters draws an audience. (secrets of the blogosphere) Not that you need the help. Plus, your writing is MUCH better than mine. Did you know that Rosemary Goudreau is also NOW on the health committee for the leage of women voters?

Vox Populi said...

lee, I did open the blog. Haven't begun posting to it yet. Commenting here draws peoples' attention. And lends support to your blog. Plus the infighting among your commenters draws an audience. (secrets of the blogosphere) Not that you need the help. Plus, your writing is MUCH better than mine. Did you know that Rosemary Goudreau is also NOW on the health committee for the leage of women voters?