Saturday, February 21, 2009

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

Party Before March for Choice in D.C. We had One Million Marchers

Dr. Smith: I have asked for public information from Marion County and have had no reply in over two weeks. I sent you copies of my two requests to this county school board. Will you please instruct its members to obey the Florida state law and give me the public information I requested? Thank you.

lee drury de cesare

15316 Gulf Boulevard 802

Madeira Beach, FL 33708


From: lee de cesare []
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 6:21 PM
To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Site Meter

School Board Members, Marion County:

I asked twice for your ad for the lobbyist-for-the-county job. I asked as well for the applications for the job that you gave to Dr. Jim Hamilton. I asked for a copy of his contract. I asked for the secretary’s notes on the board discussion of the job. I have received none of these.

A public-information request is not optional. Public entities by law must give this information to a citizen who asks for it. I look forward to your response to this second request for public information.

I am including Commissioner Smith on the cc list to let him know that a citizen is asking for public information from the Marion County School Board and administration and has not received acknowledgement of the request or the information in the two weeks since I asked for the data.

Lee Drury De Cesare

15316 Gulf Boulevard 802

Madeira Beach, FL 33708

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4


1 comment from Casting-Couch Blog:

Anonymous said...

Besides, if Hamilton is representing various counties, hypothetically he is working for competing "companies." Each competing county wants as big of a slice of the pie (tax dollars from the state) as possible. If Hamilton gets Hillsborough the biggest share, he is making sure they get some of the dollars that other counties could have gotten. So the districts who hire him better make sure they know where his loyalties lie. He could hypothetically take another district's money with a smile and claim to work for their best interests, but then turn around and lobby for more money for Hillsborough. He will probably work harder for the districts that pay him the most, so the poorer districts that could use more would get less. Same ol' stuff.....good ol' boy stuff.....this whole deal exposes him as nothing more than a common crook.


Anonymous said...

It's sad to learn that Marion County schools do not obey the public records law the way Hillsborough doesn't. These are all a bunch of criminals. Plain and simple.

Vox Populi said...

CROOKS !! Plain and simple. Finally.
Thank you.
Caps intended.