Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I have been Director of Maintenance and then General Director for the past three years. During those three years James McClelland has been Manager for the Grounds Department. I am his direct supervisor.

There have been numerous accusations, complaints, innuendoes and sometimes-anonymous information given that Mr. McClelland has been stealing from the school system and, has been for a long time. Not long alter I became Director of Maintenance, Mr. McClelland came to me very angry and said that Bob Boggs, Manager of Sites & Utilities, was telling lies about him - stealing equipment and other things from the school district and for me to inform Mr. Boggs that he could have Mr.Boggsflred.

Icalled Mr.Boggs in and told himwhat had been said. He said “Well if I’m going to be fired, he’s going to need to fire everybody that works here because everybody knows that “Mac” steals and referred to him as a kleptomaniac.” He gave an example of how Mac buys six rolls of toilet paper - he’ll take three and leave three for the system.

I evaluated the Grounds Department’s business practices and determined that there was a lack of accountability. Bid procedures were not being followed. I informed the Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Dr. Hamilton, of the accusations of theft and my findings.

His approach to solving the problem was for me to become more involved in taking away opportunities for theft. New construction dollars were taken away from the Grounds Department and appropriate bid procedures were implemented.This summer (2000), accusations of theft by Mr. McClelland resurfaced. Security was getting anonymous reports at same time I was that Mr. McClelland was leaving the worksite and going to his property in Pasco County and he was taking supplies and materials out on a regular basis and every time he would leave, security would get a call.

I’ve been told now John Brurngardner was the person watching Mr. McClelland’s behavior and making us aware. Ms. Tuggle, Asst. Principal in the district, was calling security about Mr. McClelland. I believe it was somebody in Grounds that was calling me.

Again, I had no proof, and l had nobody that wanted to step forward. We also had three tractors stolen recently and I was informed by our safety office that it appeared to be an inside job. While this was going on security called me and said they wanted to talk to me.

Sgt. Hough and his partner, Fred, told me that historically, they had not been successful in investigations of the accusations against Mr. McClelland. They asked, “What do you want us to do with it. We don’t know where to go. It seems that he is alwys tipped off anytime we start an investigation or an investigation is delayed untIl it becomes ineffective”. I felt we should move forward and make a case if we could. That was the direction that was chosen. They also shared with me they had witnessed three tractors that met the exact description of those that were stolen from Chamberlain and Arniwood High Schools setting on his property in Pasco.

By the time the decision was handed down they should pursue this case as a theft case, the belief is that Mr. McClelland was warned again. By the time the investigation was actually started the tractors were all missing again. This is pretty typical of some of the situations that have occuned with him as I am told by security.

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