Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The point and counterpoint of my charge against Mr. Gonzalez, board attorney, with the Florida Bar immediately follows this note from Satchel. lee

This on the conspiracy lawsuit from Ms. Satchel:

No date has been set, since I just filed the state law claim, which requires 30 days for the Defendant to respond. After that, a case management report will determine the trial date. It could be months, but hopefully not.

Lee, please post this on your site in response to the email below:

Hi Lee,

The reason(s) for the behaviors of the 'woi' mentioned in my complaint will be clarified with time, but suffice it to say that evil is just evil--it behaves as per its description! (As a short name, I speak of these as 'woi people' (pronounced like soy). They are, in my sight, workers of iniquity. But that's just me. :)

The writer is confused. I am Anthony Satchel's younger sister, Debra. (He has no ex-wife.) I am certain of my brother's love for me. He, like Doug Erwin, is one of the most honorable men I've known. Yet, my brother is but one person, himself surrounded by the sharks that offended me, because they were offended by me.

In every position he has ever held (classroom teacher, college counselor, church steward board member, trustee board member, credit union board member, site-based administrator, and now, general director), Tony has performed with the strict confidence and integrity with which all of my father's children were reared. But as you have seen from the timid teachers who sign themselves with pseudonyms and 'anonymous,' speaking out against the political 'machine' of the School Board and its 'woi' (they remind me of the wicked vulture-like characters on the Wizard of Oz) has severe ramifications.

Although I wish Tony could have done something to prevent the more than four years of hell I have been through, I needn't tell you, Mrs. De Cesare, about Hebrews 12:11.

Meanwhile, here is the Amended Verified Complaint that I filed today. It is in PDF, and I hope it uploads more legibly than the last.

One day, I do hope to meet you and all of the wonderful guests from your blog.

Oh, by the way, I shared your site with my comrade at endteacherabuse.org. We would so appreciate it if you would share ours with your correspondents.

I don't know if you know how much I/we appreciate you.
Thank you so much.



Anonymous said...

Wow....Tony Sachell, at least in my recollection' was one of the fast track managers. If they can harass HIS sister, God forbid any common person, a mere nameless middle school teacher even try to stand up to them.

This is sad news.

Anonymous said...

She's fighting. That is the key. Fight them. lee