----- Original Message -----
From: Anonymous
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on Minions of the Light: The good news is that the b....
Electronic Articles of Organization
For A ru 09 2007
Florida Limited Liability Company Sec. Of ‘State
rh u nt
Article I
The name of the Limited Liability Company is:
Article II
The street address of the principal office of the Limited Liability Company is:
The mailing address of the Limited Liability Company is:
Article III
The purpose for which this Limited Liability Company is organized is:
Article IV
The name and Florida street address of the registered agent is:
Having been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated limited liability company at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent.
Registered Agent Signature: JOEL T. BLACKWELL
Article V
The effective date for this Limited Liability Company shall be:
Signature of member or an authorized representative of a member Signature: JOEL T. BLACKWELL
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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 6:30 AM
Comes over the blog transom the above transmission from the Minions of the Dark. If you go to the site, the last entry gives this caveat:
"Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict."
It seems the elusive contractor for counting and measuring school buildings, Mr. Blackwell, has been in business--monkey or otherwise-- for all of six months. Ms. Cathy Valdes, Ms. Elia's mouthpiece in this Cronyism Caper, said Le Blackwell is known and revered all over the state of Florida. The duration of his "company" calls that assertion into question.
I called the phone number listed above for Hickory Creek Lane and got a recorded response from a woman who sounded like Minnie Pearl. She twanged, "Today's a new day! Live for the Lord!"
"Oh, Lord," I said. "The school board has hired the Family Research Council to count and measure the schools for $158,000."
On second thought, "Today's a new day! Live it for the Lord" may be how they answer calls from Wall Street companies these days, and perhaps Mr. Joel T. Blackwell is as sterling and venerable an entrepreneur as Ms. Cathy Valdes, Ms. Carol-Silent-as-the-Tomb-Until-Re-election-Time Kurdell, and Ms. Candy-South-Tampa Olson swear he is. He probably hangs out with Warren Buffet.
Minnie Pearl gave no invitation for me to leave a number for CEO Joel to call me, so I shall forward this message to the local crusading press--including La Gaceta's Patrick Manteiga, who broke the story on the phantom Joel T. Blackwell company while the "mainstream" press slept-- to see how vigorous its minions can be in the pursuit of the Crony Bidding Scandal under their noses at the school board. It's a sure bet that board and administration have gone to the mattresses and that Dr. Lamb is stirring up a pot of spaghetti sauce--or maybe this gang is a chitterlings-and-cornbread outfit.
If I could have talked to Joel T. Blackwell, I would have asked him who on the board or administration handed him this crony job. My guess is Ms. Elia. He worked in her building- facilities area during the time that the real-estate scandal was going on in her line of vision and recorded by the St. Pete Times but that she claimed not to notice. The school board swallowed that dodge and said, "The dear girl is run off her feet. How can she notice a little thing like real-estate scamming in her bailiwick?"
On the other hand, Ms. Luney of the Wellness Crony Caper may have handed it to Le Blackwell without a by-your-leave from anybody due to her knowledge of How Things Are Done in the Cronyism Precincts of the Hillsborough County School Board and administration.
When I hear from the Minions of the Dark, I know that something spicy is in the works, and I don't think it bodes well for the potted plants who occupy the school-board dais and rubberstamp Elia's edicts while castigating any board member such as Susan Valdes and April Griffin if they dare suggest that behind-closed-doors crony appointments should give way to open bids for jobs the school board subcontracts.
The reason that the school administration runs by subcontracts, of course, is that the administration crony job recruiting from the ranks of buddies, sycophants, and family to be administrators with bloated salaries in inverse ratio to their brain power has produced an administrative staff that is too dumb to solve the most basic administration task.
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