Friday, September 05, 2008

Just One More Sexist Twit

I have received the following comment on my letter to the Baptist sexist preacher who heads all the Baptists in the South: Preacher Mohler. I know this missive is from a Baptist relative of mine who has hunted me down on the Web. Now he or she will get a bunch of my Baptist relatives to trap me in a pew and pray over me. That's what they do if they don't like what you say. They pray over you. I would rather endure a horse whipping. lee

From: Anonymous []

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 9:52 PM


Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on Just One More Sexist Twit.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Just One More Sexist Twit":

Aw, come on, Twink. Some of us Baptists are a bit more enlightened. We just don't choose to feel every thought must be inflicted upon others. He's just a fossil...

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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 6:51 PM

I attended the board meeting last evening and got in some licks about board travel extravagance and Elia's creating jobs for Dr. Hamilton.

I will write up that experience tomorrow for the Minions of the Light who read this blog.

Meanwhile, I had to get in a lick for the sisterhood. Fighting for women's rights has been my Number One task for the last 45 years. lee

From: lee de cesare []

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 4:28 PM

To: ''

Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''

Subject: R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Preacher Mohler, Chief Honcho of the Southern Baptist Church, your comment on women’s being able to run the country but not pastor a church is a bunch of sexist hooey. I am on Sally Quinn’s side. Sally’s questions about this illogical situation are on target.

Men of your feeble ilk can’t stand to think of not being superior to women in a place certain: in this case the pulpit of the Baptist church. You are contemptible—the bottom of the chauvinist barrel of insecure, impotent men who pick on women who throng churches that would go under if they did not attend since the men, as we say in the South, are “laying up sleeping off Saturday night’s drunk. "

May you suffer terminal sexual impotence that requires IV Viagra plus chains and pulleys to position you for romantic contact. Appeal that position to God, the Father, who’s something of a domestic tyrant on his bad days; Jesus is a buddy of Mary Magdalene and all women and won’t do diddly for your condition. Jesus is a friend of mine, and I will tell him to ignore your sniveling appeals.

(Ms.) Lee Drury De Cesare, who knows all about Baptists of every flavor since her entire Georgia family tribe is Baptists.


Anonymous said...

Aw, come on, Twink. Some of us Baptists are a bit more enlightened. We just don't choose to feel every thought must be inflicted upon others. He's just a fossil...

Anonymous said...

"Appeal that position to God, the Father, who’s something of a domestic tyrant on his bad days"

If you are distinguishing God the Father from God the Son or God the Holy Spirit, "the Father" is restrictive.