Friday, August 22, 2008

I've Got Mail!

From: Anonymous []

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 7:29 AM


Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on Realpolitik at ROSSAC.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Realpolitik at ROSSAC":

Linda Kipley is a liar. Any teacher called to Professional Standards should take a lawyer. Do not count on CTA. Take a lawyer.

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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 4:29 AM

I agree that Linda Kipley lies. She did when she and Elia cooked up a case against Bart Birdsall to punish him for speaking out against the discrimination against gays that Rhonda Storms's ordinance caused. She lied when I got kicked out of the board room on Falliera's ad hoc "rule" that a speaker couldn't use a name. I filed a charge against the monster head of the internal police for being rude and threatening to call the police. Kipley shot down my complaint stat. Ms. Kipley usually strings out the Professional Standards punishment for maximum sadism. But she delivered my decision overnight. I don't know what that means.

Ms. Elia has shown signs of customary bigotry against gays by supporting Falliera's attempt to make the schools tell parents of gay children's belonging to gay clubs. Thank God the students showed up in numbers to support no notification as well as notables from USF and the ACLU. So Faliera and Elia lost that one to the Minions of the Light.

Ms. Elia is not a progressive thinker in any area that I can detect. She's a regulation fascist in her administration thinking. The only area that she is adventuresome in is devising ways to get a bigger salary. The grade inflation and Spring efforts both contain ways Ms. Elia can get "bonus" money. She did not consult the teachers about these issues, and the board sat potted plants as usual and let Ms. Elia run wild.

Ms. Elia lied to me and Bart Birdsall at Tiger Bay when she first got her job. Bart asked her why she sent the emails that he had written Stine from his home computer to Linda Kipley when Stine forwarded them to her. She lied and said she didn't know how to read the "to" and "from" of the emails so that she couldn't tell that Bart produced them from his home computer. An occupant of a job in education cannot get by with that whopping lie. Apparently she expected us to believe this hooey. The bottom line is that Ms. Elia lies fluently even when she knows people will know she is lying.

Lying is a bona fide occupational qualification for Ms. Kipley's job. This skill explains why Ms. Elia values her so. Kipley has no scruples about manufacturing cases against anyone Ms. Elia fingers, and she has no hesitation in torturing teachers in her vile punishment cycles. What amazes me is that the teachers take her punishment and don't go out in the street and scream bloody murder. That's the atmosphere in which the Nazis murdered six million Jews.

Reading the Erwin report will convince anybody that the ethos of ROSSAC is to lie as a matter of policy. The morphology of the drill is that the superintendent sets the parameters of reality in ROSSAC and frames the official story line, and anybody who wants to keep his or her job tells that story no matter what the reality is. That's like one of the Bush operatives telling the press that the press doesn't know the real score since the White House operates in its own theater of reality.

I think Kipley's husband recently got the job he was not qualified for--not even a college degree--because Elia owes Kipley for doing so much dirty work that Elia wouldn't dare turn Kipley's husband down for a job even if he were a high school drop-out. God forbid that the board ask how such relative hiring accords with the signs plastered all over the Web page and internal documents, "We are an equal-employment-opportunity employer." The board is in on the fix. Its members know exactly what is going on.

From: Anonymous []

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 7:29 AM


Subject: [Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch] New comment on Realpolitik at ROSSAC.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Realpolitik at ROSSAC":

You say that the school board doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by firing him/her. However, the district and board thinks nothing of dismissing teachers. It is a double standard. Someone in ROSSAC could murder someone, and they would cover for the person, but if a teacher lets out a squeak they haul her/him into Professional Standards.

You are right. I should have qualified that tenderness of the board for people's feelings and said that, oddly enough, it omits teachers from its solicitude. The administration backed up by the board treats teachers pretty much like dogs. They won't give them a place on the board agenda to air their views. They won't review the Professional Affairs sadism practiced against teachers even when asked to do so as I have done. Tom Gonzalez promised me three times he would complete a pamphlet to give to teachers entering Professional Affairs for investigation with information that outlined their rights and resources. Then he refused in a board meeting to fulfill the promise, saying he worked for the board, not for me, a mere citizen. None of the board asked him to complete the project even when I asked them to order him to do the job he promised to do. They are all--administration, board, and attorney, in this stonewalling together. And Professional Standards is the official tool to keep the teachers and staff cowed and afraid to say boo. The board is perfectly satisfied that the Professional Standards Abu Ghraib terrifies teachers and treats them like dogs. If its members weren't happy with the situation, they would do something about it.

What teachers need to know is that the board is not their friend. It is not students' friend either. The only time the board manifests interest in students is when it hauls a group of winsome youngsters in to a board meeting on some pretext to use them as props for the board's lie that it values students. The board habitually coos and purrs over these winsome children at these shows of faux love for the students. It's show biz.

Nor is the board taxpayers' friend. It rips off taxpayers with flossy travel for its members; it signs higher and higher salaries for Elia; it lets her manufacture jobs for her buddies and sticks the taxpayers with the bill as with the recent case of Dr. Hamilton. It allows her to buy million-dollar programs such as Spring that have failed in other venues. It does not insist that she involve the teachers who will have to implement the program in the classrooms.

The board, in fact, is the source of the problem. It does not do its job. It does not master the material it should know to make rulings. It does not ask the administration questions. It lets decisions ride by on the consent agenda without review. It keeps the public ignorant of what is going on by rubberstamping the consent agenda and not bringing its content to the board in the open so that the public can see how decisions are reached. This is not open government. I don't think the board knows or cares about what is on the consent agenda. Its members want to give the appearance of being involved without being involved at all, leaving everything up to Ms. Elia's rule. The board, in fact, does not do anything but sit in ceremonial slots at board meetings and attend hoedowns around town.

Other than that, it ponders which cities it would like to go to on its members' next tax-paid travel extravaganza.

Until voters turn out these current members and elect some decent people interested in the welfare of the schools instead of pretending they are serving the schools when they are merely feeding their egos, the schools will be no better, and ROSSAC will still be the Twilight Zone with an agenda of lies as its program.

When I first met county teachers who came to protest the class that Elia downloaded on them without warning, I got the impression that the teachers thought the board would rescue them. They were babes in the wood. The board members are politicians; they care about themselves and their political incumbency. The teachers are simply bodies to get tax funds to them. I think the teachers have since wised up to the fraud of the board's concern for education, teachers, and students.

Teachers have to make the board members know that ignoring teachers' needs and wishes will cost them their jobs. The only ways I know how to get the board members to accept that concept is for teachers to ignore their fear of the board and administration and go to board meetings and protest so that the public learns what's going on and to form political groups that can call the board to task. Teachers must educate the voting public on the fecklessness of this board.

If a teacher makes him- herself conspicuous by protesting, that acts as armor for him or her has been my experience. I protested at HCC from the day I arrived until I retired. A trustee told me I would be the hardest person in the school to fire. lee

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Posted by Anonymous to Lee Drury De Cesare's Casting-Room Couch at 4:28 AM

From: Anonymous []

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 2:29 AM


Subject: [TheWall] New comment on TIME OUT?.

Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "TIME OUT?":

中文网站推荐>: 众搬场公司n style="font-family: "MS Gothic";">,上海公family: SimSun;">兴搬场: "MS Gothic";">,玻璃瓶厂 "MS Gothic";">,地磅遥控器 Gothic";">,上海搬场公司 style="font-family: "MS Gothic";">,pan>兴搬场p://">上海大众搬amily: SimSun;">场">上海大众搬">style="font-family: "MS Gothic";">除湿机

ent.g?blogID=3903698425036113784&postID=940624541581901978&ext-ref=comm-sub-email">Post a comment.

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Posted by Anonymous to TheWall at August 22, 2008 2:28 AM

ss="MsoNormal" style="margin-left: 120pt; text-indent: -120pt;">From: Anonymous []

Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 2:29 AM


Subject: [TheWall] New comment on TIME OUT?.

>Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "TIME OUT?":

This must have come from one of those adorable Olympic Chinese gymnists who mopped up the floor with the Americans.

中文网站推荐: uot;MS Mincho";">众搬场公司ot;MS Gothic";">上海公兴搬场n/">璃瓶地磅遥控器</span></a>上海搬n style="font-family: SimSun;">场公司othic";">公imSun;">兴搬场上海大ncho";">众搬cn/">上海大;">众搬除湿机

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Posted by Anonymous to TheWall at August 22, 2008 2:28 AM


Anonymous said...

The board members who were there when Doug Irwin was pushed out should be ashamed of themselves. They had a chance then to clean things up, and they did not. They probably didn't want to rock the boat. Yet how would they feel if they were in Irwin's shoes and could not get anyone to help? I wonder if these board members are capable of feeling shame. Probably not. They are absolutely shameless.

Anonymous said...

You might not know about this. The Superintendent in her infinite wisdom has had new air conditioning installed in some schools, and the air can not be turned down lower than a certain number. Not sure what temperature. Well, some old schools were built before air conditioning, and the humidity is incredibly high and teachers can't even punch holes into their papers, b/c the papers are so damp. There is mold growing outside hallways and inside rooms. Anyone who has studied science knows that there are life threatening molds, molds that make people sick, and molds that ruin books and supplies. In her attempt to save money for the district she is probably endangering people's health. Students will have to visit the clinic more often causing less academic learning. Teachers will have to take more sick days and go to the doctor costing the district more money.

This is a direct result of what you speak about in your blog. Top positions are filled by incompetent people who don't know how to build schools or renovate schools, and then when they attempt to save money by revamping the air condtioning, they actually lose money in another way. This is an administration that does not know what it is doing. You are so right that they are C students and early childhood people who should never have stopped teaching 1+1=2.