Monday, March 24, 2008

I have a note from someone who thinks Gonzalez will ignore my latest request for public information.

That would be good. Then I could turn him in again.

We will see how smart he is and earned all those millions of taxpayer dollars over the last fifteen years of his no-bid contract with the board. Hubris may have blinded him, but I doubt it.

That latest turndown for information would occur after the Ethics Commission has already accepted my charge that includes his not sending me requested public information.

I would add this latest evidence of his thumbing the nose at the law to his file to be sent to the commission.

Tomorrow is Gonzalez's due date for filing a rebuttal to my charges against him with the Ethics Commission. Then I have ten days to comment on his rebuttal.

We must be patient. Everything comes to those who wait.


Someone wrote to ask when there will be an article about the Tribune meeting. The editorial page does not write news articles, and Brown of the news department was not at the meeting. What the group who went did was to inform Ms. Goodreau and her sidekick about the teachers' veiwpoints. She did not have these data before. They will influence her thinking when next she writes about the schools.

Nothing prevents your writing Ms. Goudreau and Ms. Brown and giving them your data. For God's sake watch your spelling and punctuation. lee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The more I hear about this school board the more angry I become. I am so glad to see you back, Lee.