I have received today deposition proof that Jennifer Faliero did indeed have an affair with former schools' public-affairs head Marc Hart.
This was the subject on which School Board Chair Faliero gaveled me down at the podium while the tax-paid lawyer allowed her to shut up a citizen.
Ms. Elia also knew about the affair and sat silent while Faliera gaveled me down. The school administration with the board's and the lawyer's assistance hides such conduct of administrators and board members behind spin lies and half truth and does not let the public see how they misspend tax dollars to continue their own shoddy reign of power in which they issue no-bid contracts to buddies and former administrators, bloat their pay so that it exceeds many times that of the real heroes of the school system, teachers, and hire ill-educated, ill-prepared sycophants and pals such as Cathy Valdez to head a department with only an early-childhood degree and no business knowledge of the field she is in charge of to the schools' detriment.
Citizens should confront board members with their refusal to even ask relevant questions on the podium about administration behavior. They have a right to ask the board members why they let everything slide by on the hidden consent agenda. They have a right to ask Candy Olson and Carol Kurdell to explain their manic allegiance to the misbehavior of the administration that manifests itself in their calling Griffin "disloyal to the staff" because she asked that a consent-agenda item on a no-bid contract given to a former administrator with no person's answering his phone. Griffin and Valdes should make the administration power hoarders come from behind the Wizard-of-Oz curtain of secrecy of the consent agenda and get a public discussion of the administration and board's corruption of the running of the public schools.
It should not have been I or any citizen who had to attempt to get the truth out of Board Chair Falliero about her on-the-job affair. It should have Board Members Edgecomb, Olson, Kurdell, Lamb, Griffin, and Valdes.
These board members do not honor their promise to citizens to guard the interests of the taxpayers, students, and teachers when they allow a board member to have an affair on the job that results in her partner in the affair's getting squeezed out and with her remaining and becoming chair of the board who gavels down a citizen who asks for information on this affair.
And this citizen would have also asked, had Chair Falliero not gaveled her down, about the companion adultery of Chair Falliero's former coach husband and a middle-school principal without the principal's suffering dismissal along with Hart.
These disparate standards do not reflect a board that is vigilant and even mildly courageous enough to stand against the administration thuggery and take care of the public's interest in well-run schools without a bunch of rapscallions at the top that bloat their salaries with the board's rubberstamp and approve their sharp no-bid deals with buddies and former administrators with the board's collusion. Even Griffin and Valdes signed off on Elia's contract after they had given her bad marks on her evaluation, and Griffin and Valdes are supposed to be the best on the board. Some best. The public and school family have no representatives on the podium with grit enough to stand down the adminstration, the lawyer, and the other board members. It is simply the public bedamned and high ho, Silver, for the renegades that run the schools in the administration and on the board.
Lamb, Kurdel, and Edgecomb appear on the ballots for the upcoming election. Voters should hold their feet to the fire on the sorry jobs they have done to preserve and improve the schools for the benefit of the community's children.
Instead of being a check on the administration's lust for money and power, board members have colluded with it and forgotten the public's right to their allegiance and the right of the children and the teachers to be a part of the running of the schools. It has even abrogated the public's right to know under the public-records law the business record of the board and no-bid-contract lawyer by refusing to demand that he send the information the citizen has requested.
Not one member of the board has had the guts to say on the podium, "Madam Chair, I move that this board accord the teachers and students of the schools a special and reserved place in the board's agenda so that every meeting sees them able to come and feel welcome to talk about their concerns to the board and through the board to the public."
The board cooperates with the administration's business plan, which is to run the schools like a plantation with the board's and administration's sitting on the veranda at the Big House sipping mint juleps while the plantation grunts, teachers and students (the reason the government sends the administration tax money) tote that barge and lift that bale so that the swell folks of board and administration can continue their larking on the public dime.
April Griffin is the best of the bunch, but she can't work miracles without the voters coming out and supporting her publicly.
As for Jennifer Faliero, she made her bed by lying about her affair and now she has to lie in it. She isn't all that bright, and her political instincts aren't very good.
April needs to toughen her skin and get a lot more insistent on finding things out and not worry so much about how she'll be perceived.
The other members do have their faults - Susan Valdes, in particular, never seems to get to reach a point without going past it and reaching it again and again.
Doretha Edgecomb can't seem to give a straight answer, or even a satisfactory sidestep - her board ramblings tend to come off as gooey and patronizing.
Carol Kurdell can be downright insulting, trying to make you feel as if you had just farted during a moment of silence if you dare to question her actions or motives.
Candy Olson and Jack Lamb always give me the impression that they wish they were anywhere but on the dais, and they definitely make me think they don't believe they should have to listen to criticism from the people who voted them in and pay their salary. They have been there too long and need to leave.
This viewer has defined the Hillsborough County School Board members better than I could. He or she has the board potted plants' numbers down cold.To see these people in action or in repose--their ususal stance--is to feel despair for the education of the county's children. We can count on only the teachers' valor and waning stamina to keep the ecstasy of learning alive.The teachers have been underneath the administration's jack boot so long that they have subsided to bleats every once in a while. I wish they would come to meetings and shake their fists and yell imprecations. I can tell you from first-hand experience that the only danger at the podium when you are delivering your rebuke on how despicable the board and administration are is that Jenifer Faliero will gavel you down if she thinks you are going to say "adultery on the job" and the marshall creep up behind you during the gaveling so that Elia won't dock his paycheck. I would love to be carried off to jail. I have not yet had that experience, and my dance card awaits it.These administration and board mafiaettes have got away with their antics so long with anyone challenging them that anyone's critiquing their incompetence and arrogance can count on their not believing their eyes and ears when a citizen gives his or her speech at the mike.
If April and Susan had one ioto of guts, they would pull items off the consent agenda to a faretheewell and expose the administration's shenanigans to the public. The ROSSAC habitues are still reeling from Griffin's pulling the no-bid obscenity off the agenda and exposing it to public view. Valdes and Griffin do not have to be scared of the administration and other board members if they stand their ground and serve the voters. They neither have got to that point yet. They both seem bewildered and tentative. And maybe they never will get past this point. You can't teach courage. People either have it or acquire it in the quiet corners of their own character.The whole school thing makes one wonder how the miracle of learning takes place in the classrooms despite the depredations of the board and the administration downtown.If this comment that I respond to came from a teacher, I wish he or she would get in touch with me at; I have a proposal to make to him or her. lee
I can't help but wonder if the no-bid fiasco was one of the things Doug Erwin alluded to years back.
How long is the deposition? If you want to post it on your blog, contact me and I will give you directions how to do it. Reach me:
BTW… I watched Jack Black and Kyle Gass the other day. Now, I think of Tenacious Lee.
NOW WE MUST SPREAD THE WORD>>>> Great job in exposing them for exactly who they are...
Everyone email the Tampa Trib and the Times to report this misuse of district resources and personnel. Taxpayers are NOT paying taxes to help a school board member get her freak on. She should be doing that by going to bars and picking up men on her own time, not on school time.
On Jennifer Faliero and the person who is attacking her personally, is this just another example of someone who has nothing better to do than feed seedy stories to every media, political and editorial person. God forbid we should trust in the word of someone who is known for attacking politicl officials and apparently has even asked if our Governor is gay!!! And her followers are no doubt the usual bunch of unhappy and disgruntled folk who work for our high schools. Ms Faliero, a staunch Republican, has the support of the party and others in power and that's what counts for me. People with responsibilty and a vested interest in having the right person for the job support Ms Faliero and that appears to be more than good enough for the vast majority. She has been accused of an affair but the deposition will show that there is no proof. The accusor could be using his supposed "relationship" with Ms Faliero to hide that he was asked to resign for drunken and disorderly contact at a school Board function......I understand that he harrassed Ms Faliero and she had to ask her staff to get him to leave her alone. There were about 200 witnesses---should be good enough for anyone!! But more importantly whoever Ms Faliero chooses to be with is a private matter for her alone. If she was having an affair with a married man or was known to be playing fast and loose that would be a different matter. BUT she is not! No doubt her attacker will look to make a scene at public events and do her best to embarrass Ms Faliero---why can't she find something more constructive to do than persist with a vendetta agaianst someone who is doing a great deal for our kids. Ms Faliero is a well educated, God fearing professional who as a single Mother is combining raising 2 teenage children with a career of public service which means she shops at Penny's if she's lucky versus Niemann Marcus. With her resume she could get a much better paid job away from the limelight and the pathetic attempts to undermine but no she has chosen to apply her skills and devote her time, with the associated financial sacrifices, to creating a better learning environmemnt for our children and by God do we need it and people like her right now. So lay off her whoever you are with these nasty and petty accusations and innuendos and let her do her job. If you don't she will surely seek altenative employment which will disadvantage far more people than the small minority seeking media sensation through sleezy accuations.
Ms Faliero is a good person who wants to get on with her life, raise her children and do a worthwhile job---what America's about isn't it?
Who are you out there that want to change those laudible goals for the worse?
A comment on “in favor of fair play”’s post of 6:21 pm:
My, my what a pale pail of purgative pickles we have pickling.
Before my discussion, let’s review the “facts of the case”. “Facts” being the tangible statements made, not a judgment of the contents of the statements.
For those who are follow-the-link challenged, we can start with the initial statement that brought this to light in this arena.
Exhibit A: The original article
Tampa Tribune
Published: November 22, 2007
Texting Puts Teacher In Bindy VALERIE KALFRIN,
TAMPA - The Hillsborough County School District does not know the contents of more than 500 text messages a suspended Plant High School music teacher sent to a student, but found the behavior inappropriate anyway.
The school board on Tuesday suspended John Sinibaldi, 46, without pay pending his dismissal.
During the 2006-07 school year, he sent more than 525 text messages to one student during and after school hours, which the district in a letter said "went beyond the acceptable standards, scope and sequence of your responsibilities as a classroom teacher."
School district spokesman Steve Hegarty said there was no police investigation into the messages, which, according to the letter, were sent to a member of the high school band. Sinibaldi's phone records showed the frequency of the messages but not the content, Hegarty said.
"It doesn't matter at that point what the messages are. The frequency of the messages was a concern," Hegarty said.
Sinibaldi also ran afoul of the school board by allowing a middle school student to participate in the high school's band program, despite being directed not to, the letter states.
Reporter Valerie Kalfrin can be reached at (813) 259-7800 or
Exhibit B: The comment that started it all:
Posted by ( cshultz110 ) on November 22, 2007 at 1:06 p.m. ( Suggest removal )
You are completely correct! God forbid the truth come out. It is all politics, just ask Jenifer Felairo and Mark Hart (Opps, I forgot that affair was covered up . . . I am sooo sorry!) he, he Amazing how he just "left".
Folks, I have been in this district for 11 years and know for a fact that it IS a good ole' boys system. Lots of corruption and politics. To give you an idea (and yes, this is first hand knowledge), I was a band director and took a leave of absence last year after my now ex-wife had an affair with a promonent school board members now ex-husband. (Yes, they were both cheating on each other. See previously mentioned) After getting my act back together and returning from my leave, I was shocked to find that no principal would hire me. Not because of my performance, but because nobody wanted to touch the situation since it delt directly with a school board member and the politics it would involve. That is our school board folks!!! I can't wait for Mr. S to be obsolved of this accusations. Shame on the parent who is a teacher trying to play the system to get what they want. That should be the real headline: "How a teacher uses politics to ruin anothers career and how the school board helps them to do it."
Exhibit C: Deposition that speaks to the specific word “affair”.
Click here: hart3+copy.JPG (image)
Now for comments on “in favor of fair play”’s post.
First, the reader must use the same standard to determine the credibility of “cshultz110” and “in favor of fair play”. Unless one has further information outside what has been presented, we are left with what is there. Each writer provides some content in attempt to validate their posit. “Cshultz110” claims to have first hand knowledge by his indirect relationship with the person of interest. “In favor of fair play” uses the person of interest’s political party, support of “others in power”, level of education, religious beliefs, and economic and family status as an apparent measure of stature.
One may find interest in the choice of words in “others in power”. A common theme among the other comments on this blog frequently calls out the issue of power related to the school administration. This choice of words in some odd way may give credence to concerns about how that power works among the group of “others”.
“In favor of fair play” asks that the “attackers” lay off and let the person of interest do her job. This gives rise to remembrance of the time earlier in the year of 2007 when the person of interest was allegedly absent from several school board meetings. An accurate record of the truth of how many board functions were missed may be able to be obtained if one needs it. One of the major duties of “doing one’s job’ of a school board member is voting on items in a school board meeting. Just sayin’.
“In favor of fair play” proposes the threat that the person of interest will quit if the “nasty and petty accusations and innuendos” don’t end. Readers may have heard of vain arrogance, but to use this type of tactic to thwart public critics may be the epitome of same. Straight off the playground of self absorption, perhaps.
“In favor of fair play” states that whoever the person of interest chooses to be with is a private matter. This may be more applicable if the alleged events involved a soccer dad or perhaps someone in the same church. However, since the parties of interest both held jobs within the school system, and even “in favor of fair play” relates incidents that occurred within the hallowed halls of the ROSSAC bastion or wherever the staff is located that was used to “get him to leave her alone”, it does become public concern.
For those who understand the “authority and power” of the public school system, one would have thought that this full authority and power would have exhibited itself immediately after the “cshult110” comment, as is customary when the public school system deals with public critics. For those who were around to watch the Doug Erwin annihilation, they would recognize the pattern of retaliation to anyone who dares to shed light on the inner workings of our public institution. Unless there is something in progress that has not come to light yet, one could almost assume that the “powers to be” may want this issue to quietly go away. Which brings one to wonder why “in favor of fair play” would use this venue to write a “teeny-bobber” letter. I find it ironic that “in favor of fair play” would use a blog that they discount so much.
I wonder if the “others in power” will ferret out who "in favor of fair play" is.
Or better yet, maybe it is one of them.
Where is Mark Harts deposition? Is it posted on your blog?
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