Ms. Olson, you are board member of our grandson Christophe's area of town.
Find some way to let him know unobtrusively that the school system applauds his achievement. My impression is that this school system does not nurture and value intellectual achievement nearly as much as it should.
The children who are in trouble seem to get all the attention. But the bright children are the ones who grow up to lead and inspire.
New College president,Dr. Michaelson, who is a smart fellow, says the key to getting admitted to
Dr. Michaelson said something I have always believed in: read, read, read.
Mind that you are kind to my grandson. If not, I have the resources of the Professional Standards committee to take corrective action.
Lee Drury De Cesare, granny of Christophe Jean
Dr. Michalelson:
His granny and grandpa were proud to see grandson Christophe Jean receive the Duke TIP medal yesterday among other young people from around
New College's protocol sounds like
It would be hard for me to see young candidates squirm under committee questioning in their orals.
My husband said that when
The PBK nationals are snobs. They prefer small, elite colleges to big blue-collar ones like USF. This attitude explains how Eckerd has a chapter of PBK while USF is still on its knees begging. I lit into the president of PBK recently for this torture of USF. I have two grandsons there. I attacked him through his grammar-punctuation insecurities. The current president of PBK national is a philosophy teacher, so you and he speak the same language. He won't be able to befuddle you with syllogisms as his usual gambit to gain the upper hand.
Your field is philosophy. Nobody could have made me major in philosophy. I read it from time to time because I figure one must suffer to be learned. I recently finished Thomas Huxley's commentary on Hume's philosophy. I hurt all the way through. I had Dr. Thomas Altizer for a course in religion one time at Stony Brook. He was an impressive, magisterial teacher, who affected my attitude toward religion. I am Episcopal, and my people have always been anti-authority. So we clap when somebody announces that God is dead. Episcopalians enjoy a liberal environment thanks to Henry VIII's marital misadventures.
Your being a Kant authority does not endear you to me. Next to Spinoza, he is the worst. And
You have a lively wit and would have been a teacher whose class was fun. We have few of those as we go through our education. I had my share of droning pedants.
My grandson Christophe has the gift of wit as well. He got it from his witty mother, our baby child. And from his granny, of course. And his grandpa is a slick-tongued New Yorker.
Thank you and
Lee Drury De Cesare
granny of Christophe Jean